Chapter 36: Awakening

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(Y/n) rubbed some dryness into her eyes as she inhaled a heavy breath before releasing it, along with her gloom. Her throat felt dry from the exhaustive gasping and weeping that seemed to prolong for more than she would have ideally liked. The girl gently rattled her head to rid some of the unpleasant residue of negative thoughts that were submerged into the deeper realms of her conscience.

She turned toward the boy who was patiently waiting for her to collect her composure and simmer her nerves. "Would you believe me if I just said I didn't take my meds today?" She uncertainly jested, presupposing that the boy might be diverted from lingering on the seriousness of her behaviour. Eban simply gave her an amused smile, whether it was from her quip or her feeble attempts at writing off her reaction she remained unsure.

"I wouldn't believe you otherwise." He reciprocated, lightly chuckling to ease the disconcertment in the atmosphere. (Y/n) mimicked his humorous reaction before petering her giggles out until the echo remained as the only indication of there ever being a joyful sound in the area. There seemed to be a subtle rapping drone that barely reached her perception, but remained clouded over as her mind detached itself from reality. The girl felt the silence sinking its teeth into her and clutching around her heart while she endeavoured to stray the topic from her personal dilemma. She strained her mind to locate an appropriate excuse for herself or even a plausible lie before the boy would start ascertaining the cause of her reaction. However, to her great relief, Eban performed a better job at it than she could. "The weather went crazy outside, it was raining so hard I was half expecting Noha to show up. Gennai went out so I hope he's alright."

(Y/n) carefully perked her ears to detect the tapping beyond the house as the weather seemed to gradually weaken as time progressed. "I guess that means I won't have to finish off working on the garden then." She optimistically figured, grateful for the ease in her schedule as she realised how much she seemed to be piling on her duties.

"It's a shame too. I was hoping to visit the bridge again." Upon the mention of the certain spectacle that had intrigued her, the girl eagerly edged towards the male with zealous interest.

"Oh yeah, I tried to look for the bridge but I just ended up taking a long walk through the forest." She frustratingly sulked, slightly disappointed at her own failing sense of navigation.

Eban simply petted the disheartened female's head before parcelling some optimism to her confined mind. "Well, after you know how to get there once, you'll remember for the second time." The concept implanted itself in the girl's mind as she fervently inched closer to him, eyes glinting with interest over the promising proposal.

"Could you take me there then? I'd love to see the place." She urgently inquired, her heart stirring with fascination while her mind blotted with the radiant image of the aged, wooden structure which was blanketed in lush foliage, and warm splatters of light that disseminated through the environment.

Eban granted her a warm smile, radiating hope onto her as soon as his head nodded in approved agreement. "Of course. Just come to me when you're free and I'll take you there through snow or fire."

(Y/n) gave a light chuckled right before sarcastically remarking back. "Yes, and when you die half way there then I'll really be screwed." Eban returned the hearty laugh while the young worker attentively sharpened her auditory senses to snatch some of the indicative sounds from the weather outside. "It's honestly becoming ridiculous with the weather. There's a higher chance for a typhoon to hit the area than actual sunshine." Eban gave an amused scoff at her light dissatisfaction and tepid mannerisms towards the dysfunctional conditions outside.

"Have you considered taking a vacation?" He curiously suggested, earning a slight snicker from the girl.

"Oh yeah, let me get right onto that with all that money and time I don't have." (Y/n) grinned back at the boy's placid smile before dismissively shaking her head. "This house is the closest thing to a vacation I have. I do love to go out with my friends though. I usually go into places I can't afford anything in and just watch the people and atmosphere." She discovered an unusual enjoyment in viewing the world of the wealthy and holding a futile wishfulness over ever finding herself as part of the luxurious dimension.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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