Chapter 23: Real Life Fairy Tales

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(Y/n) warily approached the room that held the hostile sounds, stopping herself just in time to avoid a flying chair that subsequently connect with the bruised wall, before crumbling to the ground to join the rest of its fallen colleagues. She gulped slightly at the indicative danger zone she was trudging in before she heard the sound of a relieved exhale followed by a dismissive laugh coming from beyond the room.

"Haha, found you." Deep, satisfied vocals rang through, calming down the rest of the atmosphere as the aggression dissolved into the serene air. The girl edged closer towards the doorway where she peeked through the open entrance to see the male contently poking a hole through his juice to drink before sensing the female's lingering presence. He sent a glance her way to see an annoyed scowl lining her features. "Did you need something?"

He stared at the girl who hesitantly entered his area to walk by numerous shattered objects before stopping in front of him. "Do you do this on purpose?" She questioned the confused boy who regarded her with an addlepated stare. "You do know I'm the one cleaning everything that you destroy, right?" The boy granted her frustrated form a disregarding shrug, shifting the fault away form himself.

"I don't think when I do this stuff. It's your job anyway, so it's something you have to suck up and deal with." He complained back, turning away from the female to lose interest in her presence as he calmly sipped his drink. (Y/n) sharpened her glare, withholding an impatience in her focused pupils before sighing out her exasperation.

"I'd appreciate it if you held your temper and at least made an effort to make my job easier. You shouldn't be this violent in the first place." The girl carefully remarked, concerning herself over the danger the male is to others and himself. Akai scoffed of her solicitude as he walked past her, sending small shivers down the girl's spine and arms as her senses spiked at the plucking unnerved ambience that radiated through the boy's pores. She lightly jittered at the adversarial shell he had created over himself before he left the room.

(Y/n) gazed around at the mess that mostly consisted of the thrown furniture outside his quarters and felt her motivation plummeting with each second that her eyes glossed over the chaos before her ears picked up on an aggravated growl. Approaching the doorway where the resident of the room had exited, she noticed the crimson eyed male glaring down the hall where a clear target had been sighted. The female hadn't needed to extend her patience before she heard a playful voice teasing the irascible teenager.

"Aki~! My favourite boy! Are you still angry about what happened this morning?" Lilito's cooing vocals resonated through the corridor, reaching his aggressor's ears to begin sparking passionate fuel in his brain as a low, challenging exhale erupted past his lips. The dark haired male chuckled in response, tittering like an excited child. "I couldn't help it. You looked so cute while you slept~"

The agitated boy in question revealed his true perception of his mischievous neighbour's antics as he hurled a vase topped with fake flowers towards the frisky male. Lilito hopped back a few paces to prolong the proximity between him and his assailant before chuckling at the acquired reaction.

The girl could hear his brisk and pattering steps tapping away from the scene as Akai was trying to regain control over his trembling body to boost him after his escaping victim. "I'll f**k you up, you little s**t!" As he prepared to launch after the boy, his path became obstructed as another body skidded in front of him.

"I beg to differ!" (Y/n) shouted, holding her ground as she weighed out her regrets of interfering or cleaning after his rampage. Akai stared down the girl with boiling malice lining his bloody stare as he pierced her own gaze with his scowl. The male's bulging muscles and tensed up form closed in on the female as he gave her a furious command.

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