Chapter 12: Matching Weather

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(Y/n) placed her fourth laundry basket on top of the machine, wincing slightly as she strained her bruised wrist. She lightly massaged the joint in an attempt to ease the pressure on the bone while her mind attempted to distract her from the pain.

She let out a heavy sigh as she mentally chose to avoid the area around her assailant with a conscious wariness. Taking out the schedule from her pocket, the female gazed at the next tasks on her list, wanting nothing more than to preoccupy her time with another business before moving on to the rest of the laundry.

She scanned through the assignment before realising one of her duties was for a single bedroom cleanup. 'Seok's room? He's that one guy I was looking for on Friday.' The girl began making her way towards the assigned destination. Traveling to the second floor; past a number of sculptures as well as purposefully avoiding the playboy's bedroom like a hazardous area, and stopping once she approached the crimson eyed male's quarters, being reminded of her previous encounter by the pulsing nerves on her wrist.

With careful steps, making sure not to create any sort of creak from the floor, she cautiously tip-toed past the forbidden zone, feeling a chilling alertness as she managed to securely walk by the room. Breathing a sigh of relief, she jogged to the other side of the building where she would find her next errand as a cleaner. The silent corridor gave her pleasant solace that she much needed before (Y/n) neared the bedroom that she was assigned to clean.

She raised her fisted hand to gently knock on the door, waiting a few seconds in expectancy to be permitted in. However, once her patience wore off in a few long seconds, she tried a few more calling knocks, each one heavier than the last, only to be responded with nothingness. The female uncertainly looked around in hopes to find another sign of life but was presented with the quiet stillness that radiated from the area.

(Y/n) hesitantly took the handle in her hand before rotating it to push herself into the quarters in an apologetic manner. "Sorry, but I need to come and clean this room." She blurted out upon entering, hoping to catch off any disapproval or angry inquiries before they were thrown at her. To her relief, the same quietness seemed to be the only presence she encountered. The girl took a moment to inspect through her surroundings to conclude the fairly easy job she would have at tidying the premises.

For the quarters, only a light dusting on the windows, some essential vacuuming and chronologically ordering a few scattered items seemed to be the only necessity for the room. The female chose to inspect the bathroom where she hoped was just as immaculate as the bedroom. Upon entering she spotted no emergent cleaning task for the interior and figured she could leave it out from her duties. As she prepared to leave, her perception couldn't help but pick up on a subtle displacement that stood out amongst the otherwise, mundane surroundings.

She looked over towards the mirror above the sink, or at least, towards the large, black cloth covering the reflective glass. She approached the cloaked display and stared at it with uncertainty. Reaching out her hand to hesitantly lift up the sheet, she expected some sort of unusualness to be seen that would explain the purpose of the covering. However, after completely taking off the fabric, the mirror seemed to be in impeccable shape, discounting the layer of dust that had formed on the surface. She raised her eyebrow at the unnecessary use of the sheet, and began wiping off the dust particles with the material.

'Why was it covered? Doesn't seem like anything is wrong with it...I guess I should just start on the room.' (Y/n) stepped back onto he connecting area and prepared herself for the light clean up that was about to ensue.

The female switched off the vacuum cleaner as she examined the surroundings with satisfaction. Putting away the extension cord of the device, she reinspected the condition of the area and noticed the scrunched up, white fabric that was piled on top of the undone bed. Approaching the frame to complete her last task, the girl began stacking the messy sheets on the ground to start off with the last layer.

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