Chapter 27: A Return

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Sunday, June 5th

Quickly exited out of the bus, uncaring whether her steep steps would lead her into a misfortunate accident as her mind was focused on a single task alone. Her mind had bustled with excitement and anticipation the night before to a point where slumber was subdued to a later hour than usual, and awakening was brought at the pique hours of the morning. Her excitement drove her to acquire the earliest bus possible before either of her siblings even woke up.

'This will definitely get him! There's no way he can make any pompous excuse now.' She quickly ran towards the building where she passed the entrance of the gates. As her speed decelerated into a small jog, the girl came to a slight halt in front of the stone creation that situated itself in the centre of the front of the compound. Staring up at the elegant carving, a triumphant smile lined her lips like a title of her glory. 'He stuck to his promise...thank goodness.'

(Y/n) quickly gained momentum once more as broke out into an inpatient run, climbing the steps in multiples at a time before she finally approached the entrance. Upon letting herself in, her focused determination caused her to completely disregard the confused state that came from her superior who was momentarily passing through.

"Oh, good morning, (Y/n). You're early today...-" Nori's words were only received by the silence as the female made a quick escape towards the second floor. The man stared at her flamboyant energy as she disappeared from sight as quick as she had appeared. The worker had to collect any sort of inclination on hints over her excessive eagerness, simply resulting on smiling to himself once his mind failed to make a connection. "Children these days..."

The female worker lightly panted towards the corridor that was lined with a number of the quarters she had worked on. Once her eyes fully viewed the surroundings, the girl was pleasantly presented with the image of the dark-haired sculptor who seemed to be clasping onto his stone goblin as though he might disappear from his arms. (Y/n) cautiously approached the disconcerted male who became alerted at her presence.

"No! You stay there! I know he sent you to take them away but I won't allow it! I'll fight you! I've worked too hard to just see it disappear, it's only a matter of time, I won't let that damn b*****d completely win over." Padraig frantically refuted, protectively shrouding the stone creature in a defensive grasp as the girl tried to lightly step in to soothe him.

"Padraig, calm down. Your statues-" Upon her attempt of closing the large gap between them, the male bit his lip in frustration and anger, tightening his hold on his creation. Snapping the female into silence, he glared at her with eyes filled with cold aggression, malice and discordance. (Y/n) retracted as she sensed a flair of distress and tribulation in his voice, like a wounded animal lashing out for safety. To her unanticipated surprise, the boy displayed uncharacteristic vulnerability as he seemed to confine himself in his state of higher grandeur.

"I can't...I can't hesitate like this...I can't let it slip like this..." His quivering voice became agonised at his throat as he felt a harsh and glaring weight pushing down on his shoulders. (Y/n) watched him silently from afar. Watching him curling against the lifeless stone in stubborn desperation.

The silence was broken soon after a pair of feet invaded the echoing surroundings. The two turned their attention towards the newcomer, to see a sleepy expression greeting them. Padraig clenched his jaw in tight aggression before sprawling up to confront the boy that was deemed to be a threat to him.

"I won't allow you to exercise your authority over me. I will argue over this and I won't let you take my hard work away from me." The sculptor was prepared to assert his demand over the blond, ready to counteract any refusal he had and defy his measures.

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