Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Aislinn groaned. Her head pounded and she felt sick, but she unsure whether that was due to her head or any other injury she had yet to take account of. As she tried to turn over onto her back she realised there was a large, warm wall behind her. She had thought she was dead…but this hurt too much for her to be anything but alive.

She decided it may be best if she take stock of what was wrong before she tried to move, she started by wiggling her toes. To find they were covered by a thick, slightly scratchy fabric. The soles of her feet were cut and bruised but she had walked on less before so the pain would be what she had to deal with there. As she moved up her body, taking in the painful movements and sensitive spots she realised there was a heavy band around her middle.

It was a strange sensation, it weighed her down, but it was also comforting. She knew it wasn’t a trap to keep her from escaping, but an unconscious action of the wall behind her in their sleep. What she didn’t understand was why she was not panicking over sleeping in close proximity with a man. She had slept in the arms of anyone, let alone one that seems to be made of solid muscle. But he was so warm. Without even thinking about it she snuggled closer to that heat, placed her hand over his arm and fell back in to the comforting embrace of dreamless sleep.

Camdyn woke to the woman in his arms wriggling around causing a certain reaction in his own body. He tried to stay as still as possible he did not want to alarm her, as that may cause her to panic and injure herself more than she already is. As she settled back down her had gripping the arm he could not remember placing around her middle but could not for the life of him remove.

He remembered back to a few hours ago, after slogging through the mud and rain back to the cave, pushing through the horses to get to the fire he could see glowing behind. His arms had started to ache even though the girl’s weight was negligible. As he headed towards the flames, to be honest he was impressed that it was still burning, the men slowly started to notice him. Half were already asleep whilst the others were murmuring quietly to themselves. The few men closest to him jumped to attention as they saw him coming towards them. The shock on their faces quickly went away as he started ordering them about clearing a space near the fire so he could lay his Azzarra down. The name had stuck now, looking at her on the journey back had only confirmed that now.

Corey came forward with his herbs and potions, if you explained Corey to people who didn’t know him you would imagine a wizened old man with his walking stick and wise advice to go along with his healing potions. In reality Corey was the youngest of the company at 18 and had only come along because his older brother was here to look after him, not that Corey thinks he needs looking after. Their mother is the village healer and Corey had an aptitude for the craft and so came in handy with a sword and a gentle hand after the fight. The only issue that Camdyn could conceive was the fact that he didn’t want Corey, or any of his men, anywhere near his prize.

As he knew his reaction was not rational, Camdyn stepped far enough away to let Corey slide in, but not too far he wanted to see every move the boy made. Now in the light from the fire he could see the real state she was in, and he wondered again as to how she was not dead by now. Pale skin that almost seemed translucent glowed faintly in the fire light, marred by large purple, green almost black bruises over her arms, the parts of her legs visible by the tattered ends of her dress. Small cuts and lacerations covered her from head to toe. But it was her head that cause Camdyn the most worry, if she had hit her head then he knew of stories where people never woke up, but instead wasted away slowly but looking merely as if they slept.

He could not imagine that being Azzarra’s fate, but he needed to know how bad it was first. If he had to keep his men in this cave until it was safe to move her further then that is what he would do, damn the consequences. “Her head be careful when you move it, I think she may have hit it pretty hard.” Corey gave him a look that clearly said do I look like an idiot what did you think I was going to do? Ignoring Corey’s look Camdyn concentrated on the fresh blood he could see welling at the side of her face.

Corey’s hands skimmed over the woman in front of him. She looked young maybe his age at most. He couldn’t see any sort of jewellery or clothing that made her spoken for. Apart from the fact Camdyn was being over protective, but that could just be because he had found her barely alive, Corey knew until returning if he could keep himself in close contact and he could help her survive, possibly she might see him, instead of his brother or the older men for once. Her skin, even broken and damaged as it is, was smooth and soft to the touch. Camdyn cleared his throat and Corey knew he should be reporting back his findings to his captain.

“No broken bones that I can feel, I’ll ask her if she wakes what pains her for there may be a slight break that cannot be felt. Most of the cuts are small and not too deep, they just need cleaning and leaving to heal on their own. There is a deeper laceration on her right side that will need a poultice and bandaging but it will not need stitches but will need to be watched carefully for infection. There is a large lump on the front side of her head which is probably the reason she sleeps as she does. There is a cut that is bleeding along her hair line, because of the way it is, most probably it will be a visible scar, but I have no skill to stop that from happening…” Corey was hoping the last would maybe put Camdyn off, but he had no way of knowing for sure.

Camdyn did not like the way Corey was looking at Azzarra, but as he had no medical training apart from stitching himself up, he knew he could help her in no other way that letting Corey near her. He most definitely was not put off by a scar, and from the looks of the cut itself it would not be big and her hairline would mostly cover it. What worried him was how she may take it when she awoke in this state.

Most of the men had wandered back to their original positions but their attention was definitely on the new arrival. Camdyn was put to work helping to clean the cuts and ordering others around trying to find different things they needed to help make her more comfortable. Clean and dry plaid was called for from the wagons and privacy was given as they made sure to carefully cover her with the plaid and take her out of the filthy rag she probably called a dress.

The foul smelling poultice Corey pulled out of his bag almost made Camdyn gag, but he dutifully helped to administer it her side and helped bind it to keep her side stable and clean. The easiest way to help clean the laceration was too wash her hair. This was made difficult next to the fire. They decided to lift her near the entrance of the cave as the entrance dipped so the excess water would drain off. After a lot manipulation and the removal of clumps of mud from her hair the colour was finally becoming visible. The dark brown he had a feeling would become slightly lighter as it dried, but there were wisps of red and gold as the firelight hit her hair. Mesmerising in the low light, he wondered just what it would look like in the sunshine. Not that they would see much of that in the coming days.

Carefully, once all attentions had been given to her, Camdyn lifted her to place her on her good side on his pallet near the fire. As she slept, he sat and ate the small fare they had left for him and retold his tale of how he had found her. The whole time Aonghus was giving him a strange look that meant they would be having a talk soon about this. But at this very moment Camdyn didn’t care.

His arm tightened again around her waist. He was relieved that she was moving like this so soon after her experience. It showed that Corey was probably right about there being no broken bones and the fact she was seeking his heat was a good sign in itself, even if it did make him slightly uncomfortable.

There was a few hours left before dawn from who he could see on watch by the entrance of the cave. He would not be moving his men until he had seen her awake and asked her exactly why she was where he found her in the state she was in. He needed to know if she was being followed and if he was going to risk his men’s lives in a fight over her. He’s not doubting that he would agree to it, only if it was needed…at that is what scared him the most.

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