Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The first meal of the day was an awkward affair for Aislinn. She felt everyone’s eyes upon her and there were definitely a number of whispered conversations she was convinced were about her. It should have been expected she knew that. Anything new for this tight knit community was going to become the biggest story for a while, and every member of the community was going to try and make this as last as long as possible in order for them to miss some of the monotony of the real hardships in life. Especially with the tough highland winter coming in quicker than expected this year which will isolate them in their mountains until the summer sun and rains make quick work of the snow to come.

The porridge was thick and creamy, Aislinn was beginning to think that this place had to hold royalty with the food they ate and the clothes they wore. Even the poorest in the hall had clothes in better condition than the elder in charge of their village. This is what happened when you encouraged people to work together, and she wanted to be a part of this, so desperately did she want to belong to something.

Camdyn spent most of the meal making sure that Aislinn was eating. She was too thin and he feared without some more meat on her bones she wouldn’t fare well through the winter. She looked like a strong breeze would blow her away from him, which was why he planned to hold on as tightly as possible. He could tell she was uncomfortable with the attention, but knowing these people, she had better get used to being the novelty among them for a while at least.

When she noticed Isla making her way towards the table her added more cream to what was left of her porridge, it was all he could do for now, but at the noon meal her would make sure she was never with and empty plate. Isla caught Cam’s eyes and gave him a look he had no idea what to make of and walked through the partition to the kitchen. He had to admit, there was a lot since he found Aislinn that he no longer understood, and he wanted to get back onto the even footing he was on before, somehow he knew that would not happen for a while yet.

Picking up and oatcake and breaking it in two he took a bite out of one side and held the other out to Aislinn after seeing the hunger in her eyes. Cam could see how she desperately tried to calmly eat the oat cake with a nonchalance that was impressive. He knew she wanted to devour the treat that was a staple at their table. That was when he truly realised, even after her story, how little she had had, that an oatcake was the ultimate treasure. Even after his mother died and he lost his father’s love, at least he had had the rest of his clan, Isla had taken over the role of his mother, and while she was strict he knew she loved him. And he had never wanted for anything he needed. He might not have gotten everything he wanted but he had never gone hungry, unless of course he was being punished for pushing the boundaries too far.

Aislinn, he could tell, had probably never done a thing wrong in her life, but he knew from her tale the punishment had never ended. Until now. He made her a silent promise, along with his protection, she would not go hungry, or cold, or unloved again. And when he made a promise he did not break it.

Movement in the hall had Cam’s attention immediately, and his energy went through the roof. It was time, he loved these types of training, and it gave his men the closest thing to real battle as he could give them. The bets alone making it a hard won fight for whoever was left standing. “Aislinn, we are about to mock battle, the women usually watch from the upper walk way if they are so inclined. It may help you to get to know some in clan.” Secretly, he wanted her to watch him fight not chat with the women. He wanted to show off his prowess in front of his woman. Only how she would be able to tell which he was in the masses was beyond him, and she wasn’t’ his woman. Not yet anyway.

Standing with him Aislinn smiled up at Camdyn. “Of course, if you think it will help me integrate better. And maybe be overshadowed by a bigger spectacle about to take place, then lead the way, sir.” Taking his arm was now becoming second nature when she was around him. How that had happened in such a short space of time was bewildering, but she had decided not to question it.

Eyes followed them all the way out into the courtyard. Once in the dim sunlight trying to peek through the cloud cover they were still the highlighted as if they were moths attracted to a flame. Stopping in the centre surrounded by his clan, Camdyn took Aislinn’s hand and kissed the backs of her fingers in an extremely proprietary way. Aislinn felt owned by such behaviour and heat flooded her face as her attention was brought back to the watching, and gossiping, crowd.

“Pray for my safety, Aislinn, for I fear I may be mobbed by those who wish to steal the right to protect you from me,” Cam felt he had made his point suitably well, and with the most charming smile he could muster, he dropped Aislinn’s hand and turned to join his men as they headed out of the keep to the field of battle. The energy a restless crackle between them all, men he knew from the clan but did not mix with often where clapping him on the back, and congratulating him on what a fine woman he had claimed. Only he was starting to fear it was her that had claimed him.

Standing alone, and feeling extremely self-conscious Aislinn had taken to staring and the churned mud by her feet when a familiar voice had her head snapping up. Minna and two other girls we heading her way, beaming smiles graced Minna’s and a tall willowy blondes faces. The third looked like the personification of a thunder cloud, her features were fine and would have been considered beautiful, if not for the expression she wore, in fact it reminded her of Larena that morning when the same thought passed through her head.

Minna was extremely enthusiastic, grabbing Aislinn’s hands and her mouth going a mile a minute. “I can’t believe what I just saw. I mean I know everyone just saw it. But Camdyn, THE Camdyn MacKay, he…I can’t believe it and to such a beauty as yourself. Well that’s no surprise there, but what probably will surprise most is that he see the person inside of you, of that I am sure. Oh this is wonderful, I can’t wait to tell my mother later, just wait till she hears. The heir has claimed a woman.” Aislinn didn’t think Minna had taken a breath at all and was worried about the girl. But she had to reject the claims that were just a show of the protection he held over her and nothing else.

“Oh no, Minna I mustn’t allow…” A severe clearing of a throat cut Aislinn of and thundercloud girl sidled up to Aislinn to get her point across in a rather nasally high voice. “Oh no, Minna. You are so very wrong. I mean look at her, all he’s doing is taking pity on her. You know he’s always been one for a lost cause, he gave you a job didn’t he when his sister refused to take you on.” The girl gave a short harsh laugh.

Minna by this point had turned an unbecoming shade of red, and her blonde companion looked aghast, but to Aislinn’s relief came to the aid of Minna. “Vika, how you can say such things is beyond me. If your grandmother heard you say such things she’d have you scrubbing pots in the scullery in an instant. Lady Aislinn is a guest here with clan MacKay and should be given such respect.” The blonde turned a small smile to Aislinn, “my apologies, m’lady, Vika tends to open her mouth before her head has caught up with her. I’m Iona and it is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of the talk of the clan.”

Aislinn was shocked to say the least, Iona was the most outwardly beautiful of the three women before her and she was the one apologising for Vika. Now Vika, she had not waited around very long after it was obvious Iona was not to support her. The three watched Vika storm away, and join a group of five over by the Keep entryway. Aislinn was not surprised to see Larena as part of that group of gaggling girls. All of whom threw furious expressions in her direction. “It’s always nice to make enemies on one’s first day in a new place.” She had not realised she had spoken aloud until she heard the giggling behind her. “Sorry, but who is the grandmother you spoke so assuredly of?”

“Oh,” Iona looked lost for a moment. “I would have thought you would know, but how silly you only got here last night, Vika’s grandmother is Isla. Not much in the way of familial resemblance I’m afraid. Vika takes after her father’s side of the family and to say it is not a pleasant side of her family tree is an understatement. Anyway, time is wasting, if we do not hurry we will miss your man in all his glory out on the field.” Aislinn knew right then, she may have a gained enemies here, but she had also found the most unlikely of allies.

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