Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Aislinn had found herself on a endless rush around the MacKay land. From the midnight hour betrothal, to Isla stealing her away for the morning, Camdyn’s revelation, her admitance of her gift, kidnapped again by Isla, and finally Camdyn’s true identity revealed. She was not sure she could take anymore today. She definitely needed to sleep before the start of a ache in her temples became a full thunderstorm in her head.

Whatever Camdyn had to tell her could surely wait. But he was adamant that she was going to listen. And if she had to listen in this mood, and it was not as important as he thought, she would make him hurt. She didn’t know how but she would make a plan that would be devious and painful. Just as it seemed someone had started to hit the top of her head with cooks favourite pan.

Cam had sequestered her away in his room, and left for some muttered reason and would be back soon. That she was sure was over an hour ago. If he left her any longer, she would be unequivically telling him what she thought, by going over to her room and falling asleep. She would give him until the wax on the nearest candle melted to the quick as she saw just how close it was to sputtering. She gave a smile. He would not have long at all.

Cam returned after hunting down Isla. It had taken him longer than expected. He had never expected this from her before. The enthusiasm with which she had take his handfasting had bewildered him. He had not realised how he had missed seeing her like this, like when he was a boy. After getting his confirmation from Isla. He headed back for what could be one of the most difficult conversations of his life.

He was fine when he was the one who was hearing the tale. All he had to do was sit, listen and try to absorb everything he was being given. This time, he was the one with the information and as a result was the one who had to get the words right. Make her understand, while trying to make her feel wanted at the same time. He was feeling the import and did not feel up to this challenge.

Taking a deep breath, he opened his bedroom door, to find Aislinn about to reach for it on the other side. “Camdyn,” she sounded so shocked as she jumped back. Allowing him to step through the doorway and make sure to bar the door behind him. “Going somewhere?” Raising an eyebrow at her stubborn expression. He had to admit it was more kitten against a wolf, than truly showing a stubborn nature. He was finding extremly hard not to smile at that. But knowign that would be a bad idea for his health, he held his positon.

“Well, seen as you deign me so with your presence. I was going to go sleep in a rather large bed next door. As you see, my betrothed had abandoned me after explaining he wanted to have a very serious conversation with me.” The arch tone and expression made him wary, but he had to get this tale out now. Or he was not sure he would ever manage to get it out and she would be left in the dark as he had been until now.

Taking her hand, he led her back to the chair he had placed her in before ‘abandoning her’ as she so politely phrased it. Pacing in front of the hearth, he tried to think of the best way to phrase his tale. He sat in the chair opposite hers, then stood once more to pace.

“Camdyn, you are making me dizzy, will you please tell me what worries you so?” He faced an expression of such bafflement, he knew the best way to apprach this was to come out with it. Using as much truth and fact as he knew. She would not accept anything less from him. He moved the chair closer to hers and reached across to take her hand.

And then he told her the truth. Who she was, and what that meant for the clan and them.

Aislinn could not believe the story she was being told. This had to be some evil sent to trip her up further. Though why Camdyn believed this she had no idea. She could not unravel this, or what it fully meant for her. She knew her parents were not her own. That she had been given up by those who had not wanted her. She only thought that maybe she was an orphan, a hope that her parents had wanted her, only they could not keep her.

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