Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Walking into the main hall, Cam knew there was no way he could keep this from himself anymore. That woman was everything to him now. There was no other way. Edine was right. He was going to have to marry her, not that she had to know that yet though. He could make her feel special first, and he had to start with letting her know what happened with Vika.

Whatever he said he had to keep his thoughts on her working to himself. He didn’t like it, but, yet again, Edine was correct. She had to learn her own way in the clan. He could dictate her place, though she would have no true respect from those around her. Making her own way, through hard work would mean she gained the respect of the clan. Maybe he could convince some of the women to help him make sure she did not do anything too strenuous.

Making his way up to the top table, he couldn’t seem to move quickly enough. Too many people stopping him to ask questions, make comments. What he would normally have taken in his stride seemed to be the most hated task at the moment. He only wanted to talk to one person in this hall.

Aislinn could feel eyes upon her. It was not like earlier, with the numerous woman, nor was she the centre of attention for the warriors in the hall this evening. Instead, she knew exactly who that stare belonged to, before she looked up and locked gazes with the man himself. It was like lightening between them. She felt stuck in place, never before thinking that was a good thing.

Distracted by a sudden high pitched screeching of a chair being pulled back along a stone floor, Aislinn’s head jerked in that direction. Only to find herself caught in the rather beautiful and harsh gaze of Larena’s. With a haughty air held tight around her, she sat upon the chair as if she were royalty, deigning the peasants with her presence. Ignoring all those around her, she waited while her goblet was filled and dismissed the rather hardworking maid with a flick of the wrist.

Aislinn bit her tongue against the behaviour she saw. How could someone who had whatever they dreamed of treat someone with such disdain? She was supposed to be someone the clan looked up to, they should give her respect in exchange for her putting the peoples need before her own vanity. How this girl could be Cam’s sister she did not know.

Cam noticed the tension between the two women as soon as he neared the table. Making sure to create some noise to try and distract them from each other. The most important person at the table for him, though, was Aislinn. His attention purely on her, he forgot that his sister was on his other side, just a few chairs down.

“I have heard you have had a rather eventful day.” Raising and eyebrow. “Working?” He wondered if she would admit it or try to distract him. He knew she would not lie to him, but he hoped for the truth from her. A shy smile greeted his question, “Oh, Cam, I’m very sure you already know what I was doing all day. You have your spies everywhere.”

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