Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Aislinn could not look Camdyn in the face the next day. She was sure he had been in her dream with her. Why she thought it was him rather than a dream version, she did not know. She had tried to create as much conversation with the other warriors at the table as they broke their fast. Cam kept throwing her glances, trying to catch her attention. She just did not know how to speak to him this morning. Not only the dream, but there was also the kiss making her feel uncomfortable. What if he had decided that there was nothing between them? He had tasted of her lips, and they could not hold him alone.

She hoped the other women would be able to help her with the art of seduction. Most were recently married and some had young families. They should be able to at least give her a few pointers if nothing else. Anything would help at this point, she could cook, sew, bring up a child…but men were a complete mystery to her. They confused her, they did not think like she did and that meant she could not work out why certain things had to be done the way they wanted it. Maybe she just had to get used to the fact, she would never understand them. Or rather one man in particular.

Cam did not know what had happened. Aislinn had turned back into the scared girl he had found in the forest. The confidence he had managed to coax out of her so far had gone. She refused to talk to him let alone look in his direction. He had tried many times to catch her attention all to no avail. He was trying to think of what he had done to offend her. But apart from the mind blowing kiss last night, and apart from his behaviour in their choice of venue, he would never regret it. Perhaps she just needed some time to adjust. She had never known a man that way before and she was intelligent, she could just be thinking it through.

Pinching the bridge of his nose as his head started to pound he knew he was over thinking the situation. If she was not talking to him at evening meal he would make sure she did. He was not letting her retreat fully, he allowed her some time to recuperate and regroup, but retreat would be met with attack.

The dream came back to him. Aislinn in his mother’s dress. Isla had packed it away along with other garments. Putting them aside, one day Larena should have looked through them, though that would have meant some type of work, so she had never looked. He knew if he showed her the room Aislinn would be privileged to see the items within. He found it too painful, the good memories overtaken by the bad and painful. Seeing his mother, even in a dream had made that pain fade slightly.

He still remembered the feeling he had of seeing Aislinn and his mother in the same place. Even knowing it was his mind creating the images, he hoped that the fact he saw his mother at peace meant she accepted his choice for her replacement as the true lady of the MacKay Keep.

Cam had gone out on patrol again not long after they had finished breaking their fast. Making sure first that Aislinn had been deposited once again in the chair before the main hearth in the hall. Guilt clawing its way into her as she sat watching the women clear away the dishes and goblets from across the tables. The knowledge that she was being constantly watched and the moment she moved to help, the men left would stop her and Cam would find out upon his return. She did not want to see him disappointed in her.

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