Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Aislinn sat on the stool in the dim lighted kitchen contemplating how to finish what was left of her meal. She did not want to disappoint Isla, but she was just so unused to so much rich food. If this is what the people of this Keep ate on a daily basis she would be putting weight on in no time, at least when she started working for her keep then she wouldn’t have to worry about that too much. She had never had to worry about her weight before, well maybe not having enough, which always spelled trouble when you didn’t get enough food. She was always the one that was left without within her cottage, not good enough for the scraps when food was short in winter.

Isla found her still in the same position she had left her in, staring forlornly at the food left on her platter. She noted that Aislinn had only managed just under a half of the food, however, judging the condition of her new charge she judged that to be more than enough. Isla had decided, from what Camdyn had informed, and what she was beginning to suspect, that this girl was going to be someone important in this clan and for that to happen she needed her to be fit and healthy.

“Come on now, you look like you’re going to fall asleep at Cook’s work bench. I will let you off with the food for now, I do not want to wrestle words with Cook because I could not move you with my spindly arms after you fell into dream land at her favourite table.” She gave a small smile to the tired and battered girl before her, and gently took her arm and pulled her to her feet. Leading her from the kitchen and across the hall to the main stairway leading to the family quarter.

Following wherever she was being taken, any and all sense of self-preservation had left Aislinn. At this point she was too tired to care for much, except a small corner for her to curl up in and sleep. Momentary stunned awareness came rushing back to her after being pulled down a corridor and into a large room. The fact that someone would sleep in a room twice the size of her family’s cottage amazed her, the bare stone walls had splashes of colour in the form of tall and thin tapestry depicting scenes from ancient tales of heroes and their ladies. The main focus of the room, however, was the four poster bed at the opposite side of the room to the door, with a large fire place and some small tables and chairs interspersed around the room.

It was a beautiful room, a tiny spurt of jealousy hit Aislinn, which someone could live like this while her whole life she had lived in conditions probably unimaginable for someone worthy of this status. Curiosity hit her secondarily, with no one in the bed at this time, it was obviously unused at the moment and she had to think maybe Isla had stopped by to pick something up before giving her a pallet for the night. If her brain had not been to fuzzy with lack of sleep she may have realised that Isla was pulling wonderfully rich nightwear from the chest at the bottom of the bed and pulling down the covers and furs in preparation for someone to sleep on the very comfortable looking bed.

Isla looked back at the stunned girl in the doorway. If she was who she suspected then this should not have been a shocking situation for her to be in. In fact she should have had a better furnished room, but this was the best furnished guest room they held. Cautiously moving back to the doorway she led her further in to the room by the hand, standing her before the fire which she had quietly sent someone up not too long ago to start. She did not think that Aislinn realised when she started to undress her in order for her to change into the chemise she had put aside for her to sleep in. As the plaid hit the floor it seemed to snap Aislinn’s attention back to the present as she tried to cover herself.

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