Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Camdyn could not believe the tale he heard. He was amazed that she had stood up to his sister like that. He definitely knew how the clan felt about Larena, and so the retelling of this would do the rounds with some fantastical embellishments. And he looked forward to hearing them all. It was not often that anyone gave Larena what she deserved. Usually it was Isla, but this, this was wonderful news. He couldn’t help it, his shoulders started to shake, and he did try to stop but just couldn’t. Before he knew what was happening he was throwing his head back and roaring with laughter. It went on for so long he ended up doubled over as his stomach protested, the fact was he had not laugh like this in years, and he was so glad he had not forgotten how to laugh. For this moment was perfect.

Looking back at Aislinn while wiping his eyes clear, the look upon her face made him start all over again, the utter puzzlement did not fit on such an intelligent woman. But he had to get himself under control, for if he did not he was sure to offend Aislinn in some way, and that would never do. Reaching across the table he took hold of her hand. Squeezing it gently he thought of how to make her truly see what she had managed to do.

“Oh Aislinns, you have my apologies. You just do not yet understand. What has happened today is the best news I could have had.” Shaking his head slightly, he truly could not believe this. “Larena is my sister, but she is also a spoiled brat with no work ethic to show. She would rather bully her way through life than help, a new dress is more important than a new life. What you did today most have wanted to do their whole life, only because she is their Lady they could not for fear of retribution. So I’m not angry with you, I love that you had the strength to stand up to her. Thank you.”

The sincerity in his voice broke through. She did not know what to say really, she had expected a rebuke, possibly even predicted to be kicked out into the gutter with the wilds in front of her once more. She was not looking forward to that prospect. This response had not even fleetingly crossed her mind. She knew the girls had enjoyed the show, but that was entertainment. It was Camdyn’s sister how could he not be on Larena’s side?

“She is your sister though. Do you not want to protect her from danger?” After what she had gone through she could not bear to have the man who was her protector becoming like those from the past. Yes he was taking her side, but his sister is one of his only remaining family members, what kind of person would turn their back on their own blood. That was the problem she had had…she was not blood.

“Protect her from those who mean her true harm such as death, or to hold her hostage. But from those who are teaching her that they person she is isn’t acceptable in this society. That she needs to work for what she has, and has no right to treat anyone the way she does. Only I and Isla have said anything to her, and she completely ignores Isla. So for you to do this, I thank you because I’m hoping you may be teaching my sister to be a better person, well deep down.”

The conviction with which he spoke made Aislinn think. He loved his sister, but did not like who she had become. The only way to make her change now, was to show Larena what she had become. As she had grown up, Larena, had been given everything to compensate for her mother’s death, the consequence was the entitlement she now felt. Camdyn was hoping that with Aislinn’s presence, she may be helped to see what she could become, rather than someone just concerned with the frivolous things in life.

They sat in companionable silence for a while after that. They both had to think through where they went from here. Aislinn had to think about her role in the clan now the people had seen her verbally attack a member they apparently were happy she had done this too. Camdyn, however, was thinking that Larena would be extremely lucky to have a role model such as the woman before him.

Camdyn had to eventually concede the fact that the quietest most relaxed time he had had in the last few months, was the silent time he spent with Aislinn. She was an extremely calm person. She was unused to company but he knew that she did not feel uncomfortable around him and that was always a good place to start. Looking towards the open shutters on the window he realised just how much time they had spent together. While he was not sorry for it, he needed to be getting to the jobs that had piled up in his absence. He also needed to visit his father, Toren was not doing well at all and he may not be long for this world.

Looking back towards Aislinn, her face was in profile, staring forlornly into the fire. He knew, instinctively, she would not tell him at this moment what troubled her. So, he went for distraction instead. “You, have an appointment to keep with Isla. She does not like to be kept waiting. I should know, I’ve felt her hand enough times to never do that again.” He didn’t even realise he was rubbing the back of his head as he remembered the reminders.

Standing he felt Aislinn follow him to the door, stopping just outside the door, he looked down the corridor to the large ornate wooden door at the end. Turning back to the woman behind him, “I would like to escort you down, but I have a task to complete. My father is ill and I need to see him. And I fear that if I escort you down to the main hall, I will find busy work, so I do not have to face him.” He reached out to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and leaned in to kiss her forehead. Reaching behind her back he pulled the door shut. “If you head to the main hall Isla will find you. I will see you at evening meal, if I do not manage to find you beforehand.”

Pivoting on her heal he headed towards the opposite end of the corridor from where he actually wanted to be. The stairway he enter directly through the doorway was dark and damp. It should have had torches burning, he would have to make sure he rectified that as soon as possible.

Reaching the top of the spiral he took a deep breath. He had never been particularly close to his father, and his utter disappointment in Camdyn was never something Cam could get over. But, this was still his father and he was going to try and make peace with the man before the end.

Hand on the rough wood, he pushed and was met by a powerful aroma. It was sickly sweet and putrid. It almost overpowered him. He noticed how dark it was, the only light coming from the low burning fire, where the sickly sweet smell was originating from. There must have been some type of herb in there. Though what and how it was meant to help he had no idea.

Moving through the shadows to the bed, he was shocked at the sight before him. What had once been a strong, healthy highland male, was now a wasting ghost of his former self. His hair mostly grey and his skin glowing with sweat in the low light, he hardly recognised his father. His father’s mind had left him for a moment they said. The entire right side of his body refused to work as he wanted it too. That side of his face drooped and made it hard for him to speak when he was awake.

The main issue, however, was the leg. As his father’s mind had left him, he had been on his way to the main hall. He had taken a tumble down the stairs. No one knew precisely what had happened, but a deep gash on his father’s calf was serious. Since his departure Cam knew that disease had set into that wound. If disease had set it, then apart from removing the limb, which would most likely lead to death, meant they just had to wait until that disease took his father from this world.

He found he had an ache in his chest. His father had not been there for him in the conventional sense but in the end it came down to one fact. This was his father, the man who had given him life. Sitting on the chair that was conveniently placed close to the bed, he took the hand which lay limply on the covers of the bed.

It was stiflingly warm and close in the room. The windows blocked and some of the herbs in the fire were creating a cloying smoke that infiltrated the air around them. He really was beginning to doubt the ability of these herbs, but what was he to know really. He had no training in that area. His father’s eyes were open upon Cam’s gaze returning to him. The once clear deep water blue, was now a cloudy and murky colour indistinguishable in this light. He knew that he had to clear the air with his father, and that had to be now, just in case.

In the quietest voice he had, the atmosphere in the room did not allow for the volume of normal speech, he talked with his father. This was the first time they would have listened to each other in years. “Father, I have much news to tell you. Both of the trade route and a new guest we have with us. I hope father, you will be able to see, how good the future will be with the information I have to impart.”

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