Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

He watched her watch him walk away. He had heard every word. It sometimes helped being the youngest and quietest, people didn’t pay attention to you if you didn’t want them to. Well at least she wouldn’t be suspicious when he approached, Camdyn had mentioned refreshments, and here he was with some of the best fare he could scrounge up. Though most of the men seemed willing to give up some of the best leftovers for their injured party member. Most were talking of nothing else. But while they could not approach her without Camdyn giving them cold stares which made them quickly change direction, he had reason enough to be near her and Camdyn could go to hell if he thought he was going to let this go.

Aislinn was still staring after Camdyn, a little in shock over his rather abrupt departure. She had thought they had been getting on quite well. She felt someone approach her from behind. She did not like people at her back, it was easier to attacker her that way. When she thought about it that is what made it so strange with how comfortable she had been with Camdyn sleeping at her back last night.

She turned her head towards her new distraction to find a young man with a rather endearing smile. The food in his hands explained his presence more than anything else. Camdyn probably thought she would feel more comfortable if he sent someone younger, he must have used some sort of signal, for she couldn’t remember him talking to anyone before she turned around. It would be most efficient to learn this signalling system, though it was probably reserved for the warriors alone. She tried to smile in response to this male and found it difficult with one side of her face pulling painfully tight, so a nice welcome ended up becoming a grimace of pain. Her new companion chuckled and sat down next to her on the opposite side to Camdyn.

“Good Morning, some light fare for you to break your fast today. I’m Corey, I know I look young but I’m the healer with this group. I helped to patch you up when Camdyn brought you in last night.” He held out the food for her to take, making sure to graze his fingers along hers as she took his offerings.

She could not remember the last time she had such good food. She had been on her own surviving off whatever she could find for too long. There was a knowledge in the back of her mind that these men probably thought this was the worst of their food before they returned as it was nearing the end of their journey. There was a small round of stale bread, some left over pieces of rabbit meat, that even though they were cold and tough the taste exploded in her mouth. A piece of cheese had been found from somewhere, she did not like cheese but as hungry as she was she was willing to eat anything at the moment. Only after every morsel she had been given was inhaled by her body did she realise how rude she was being, and that this boy…Corey was silently watching her.

“I am so sorry Corey, I was rather hungry I’m afraid.” Her blush rose again and he smiled at her. Maybe he could become a friend for her, someone she could turn to when Camdyn was not around. “I’m Aislinn, I hope I wasn’t too difficult a patient for you last night, will I survive.”

Highland Dream (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora