Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Aislinn could feel her temples pound. After spending more than the hour Camdyn had promised, cooped up in the small cottage surrounded by the clans women. The heat soon rose, in the cramped room, and her mind wandered. The women had taken over even the tiniest of details. She did not mind, she had no idea what needed to be done, or where to find it at this time of year.

They even had word sent to the men to have a hunting party sent out in the next few days for meat specifically for the event. Aislinn felt it was all getting a little out of hand. But as Isla kept informing her, she was marrying the heir to the clan. And as such she had to think of the needs of the clan. The clan had improved, since Camdyn had taken over, but they needed some event to further their connection. This just happened to be the said event.

Aislinn felt knew she would feel guilty later but she just could not take it. Her mind glazed over and she just found herself agreeing with whatever was placed in front of her. She did not mind how the day went. So long as the end result was herself and Camdyn together.

Isla knew her new ward had lost interest a long time ago. She was impressed with the level Aislinn managed to keep in the present, while being complety in her own head at the same time. She knew that Aislinn was trying. She just was not used to being around so many people at once. And above that, they were all discussing her and her handfasting. It must have been hard for her, but as she would be the clans Lady. Most probably soon. She needed to become used to these situations.

These women would come to her for help and comfort. They would expect guidance, and while she knew Aislinn was fully capable of this. She also knew Aislinn was comfortable on her own and needed to interact with more people until it became second nature. She was not going to allow this brilliant woman hide in the shadows, when she was destined for the light.

When Camdyn finally managed to get away from the training ground it was hours later than he had planned. While only just after midday, it felt as if he had been up for days without rest. He knew by the end of today the truth had to be out in the open. At least between himself and Aislinn. He needed to tell her who she was. Firstly, he had to find out who he really was.

Hamish caught up with him half way back to the village. Taking the time to quietly tell his friend the story. They made their way around the village, checking for problems in the guard routine and patrol as they walked. Camdyn knew that Hamish had to be told. He wanted to prewarn him before he found out who he truly was. If it was especially bad he would have to have help from his brother in arms. They did not keep secrets from each other. Particularly ones that may cause power stuggles within the clan structure.

Hamish hardly believed the tale that he was told. Though he knew Camdyn would never lie to him. He needed to know this, of that he had no doubt. But ultimatley he would not allow this knowledge to change the direction the clan was heading in. With Cam in charge the MacKay’s were going places they had not seen in decades. However, he knew Cam. Had grown with him, played with him and fought with and along side him. He needed to make his position very clear from the start.

“This changes nothing Cam. I will still follow you. And if what you say is true. You are currently betrothed to the heir to the clan. Therefore, you are going to end up in the same position that you always would have been in before this knowledge came to light.” Clapping Cam on the shoulder he moved ahead. Allowing his words to take root. They knew each other to well by now to allow for the other to think falsehoods.

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