Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

After a day of accidents and Aislinn ignoring him earlier, Cam’s day had gone from bad to worse. His mood had dropped as well. None of the men wanted to be near him. The woman he had thought of all day better be where he left her or there would be hell to pay. Looking over his usually highly trained men that had turned into a rag tag group, all making comments to rile the others up. They had one lame horse, a possible broken arm and at least half the men were frozen through falling in the swollen river as they had gone to close and ended up in the water.

If his day got any worse someone was going to end up hurt. The complaints behind him started to grate on his nerves. They were like a bunch of old women, rather than the warriors they supposedly were. “One more comment, just give me one more. I’m looking to cause some serious damage. Just give me an excuse.” He could feel the change behind him without looking backwards. Cam was rarely short with his men, for him to act like this showed exactly how far they had all gone.

Not another word was said until they reached the village. There was a crowd gathered at the other end that could be seen as it was situated further up the hill leading to the Keep. That was when his head started working properly again, “Reid,” looking over the rump of his horse, he focused on the man in question. “It that not your cottage, up yonder? How long had Adair before the bairn comes?” Reid followed the pointed finger to the crowd. He had taken off at a full gallop before Cam had even finished.

Hoping nothing else had gone wrong today, he and the rest of the men followed. The animosity that had settled upon them during the day was washed away as they reached the top end of the village. Swinging down from his horse he managed to catch Reid just as he reached Hamish at the door. He struggled against the hold but Cam held tight. “Reid, if you charge in there and you interrupt something important, do you think Adair will be able to forgive you?” That at least made him stop and think. Looking towards Hamish instead but not releasing his hold as they heard the scream from within, “how long has she been labouring?”

“Since before midday meal.” The expression on his face made Cam think he had missed something, but Hamish was not going to help him understand. “The women in there have been taking air every so often. They say it is progressing well.” The stare and emphasis on women, had Cam thinking he was missing something on an inside joke.

“She found someone to help other than Isla?” The worry in Reid was straining through. “Who? Some of the other women said they’d help, but most have work in the Keep at this time of day.” It suddenly all clicked into place in Cam’s mind.

“Hamish, why are you here? You were sent to guard Aislinn. Make sure she didn’t move from the main hall.” He let go of Reid, who seemed to realise he was in the middle of something he didn’t understand but could get dangerous. He also had no chance of getting around Hamish, so stepped back allowing his superiors to sort out their differences first. If there was a problem, surely the women inside would have asked for something.

Hamish didn’t back down. “Actually Cam you made it clear that she was to be given whatever she asked for. And she asked for a walk in the fresh air. Even after she found out about the rumours, your sister supposedly spread about her, and the women there have just apologised for believing.” The look could have felled Cam where he stood, he turned to over his shoulder to see the women behind him. Most would not meet his gaze, and he knew Hamish was telling the truth. “You should have sent me out as I told you to. I know why you went, but after what you did last night. You should have stayed in case of any consequences.” Strengthening his stance in front of Cam, he folded his arms, he wasn’t going to let Cam get away with it that easily.

Cam scrubbed his hands over his face and through his hair. “Yes, fine you were right. How is she?” Hamish was shocked, never had Cam admitted he was wrong, and so easily. Maybe Aislinn was better for him than he thought, this meant he had to go easy on him now. With a sigh he let Cam know. “She’s fine, a little tired, but nothing not expected. She dealt with the rumours, got an apology and is currently helping birth a bairn. I’d say she was doing the job of Lady of the Keep perfectly.” One raised eyebrow said it all.

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