Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The attention was getting to Aislinn, she had not realised how many people worked within the Keep. While most seemed concerned about what happened to her, she was not used to a lot of people wanting to know if she was healthy again, or whether she needed anything. She also had a feeling that a lot of the woman within the keep today had found any reason to work in the main hall.

There was a point when she had proclaimed to her companions at the time that she wished to be useful. Not just too politely sit there as everyone else worked. Within minutes a group a smiling woman had joined her by the fire, sharing stories and passing her shirts to sew as they did their own stitching from the garments each had in a basket beside them.

At least Cam could not complain that this was strenuous work, which he had strictly forbidden her to do as he had left for training after bringing her downstairs. While annoyed at the dictate, she understood that she was still weak at the moment, that she could not do strenuous work without probably collapse. That would have been much more embarrassing than the attention she was receiving now.

While she was uncomfortable with the company and the visible attention, she was ironically pleased that she seemed to have finally found somewhere where she was accepted. These women had given her a job that would allow her to be useful, but not harm her any more than she already had been. The women were concerned that the woman the heir had claimed as his own, had come to them injured but instead of helping the clan had ended up being the reason behind her near death.

They had accepted her quicker than she had imagined they would. Only she never would have pictured herself surrounded by people. Maybe on the edge, but not in the centre of such a scene. As she was now. It was completely unbelievable. She still had the insecurities, did not think she would ever be able to take this quiet time for granted. It was the first time she had ever felt like this and she was determined not to ruin it, she would never let herself think of this situation as expected. Some people did, some people looked down upon the ordinary, but those were the people who would never truly know how extraordinary the ordinary actually was.

When you can from nothing you realised just how special the tiny things were. A conversation between friends, enough to eat till the next meal and a love that transcends wrong doings and misdemeanours. That kind of love was one most didn’t manage to see until it was too late and it had already gone. Aislinn had never had it to begin with, so feeling it now was begin to overwhelm her senses. But nothing could stop her from leaving right now. And sewing someone else’s shirts was the best task she had ever managed to complete.

“Whose shirts are these?”

“Oh, there just Camdyn’s, I don’t think he’d mind if you messed up your stiches. I’m sure he’d still where it.” That opened a flood gate of comments and teasing directed, good naturedly, in her direction. She thought that they most probably wanted information they could pass on to others, about the true nature of hers and Cam’s relationship. But seen as she didn’t truly know what their relationship was at the moment, she couldn’t give them anything they hadn’t already made up for themselves.

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