Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Artair and Aonghus had split up. It was not often they were apart, and most of the men found them such a novelty they acted on that status. But in situations such as this many were surprised to see how serious most of them actually were. They had both grown with Cam, and while he might make jokes about them he ahd never found them a curiosity as some others had. As such they had had their utmost loyalty for a long time now. They would not allow their future Laird to lose his wife. Before she even became his wife.

Quickly making his way through the cottages nearest to him, Artair felt the sense of urgency overtake him. Breaking through doors that would not yeild immediately. He knew the guilt would come about that later. This menat he would be making sure they were fixed later, right now was not the time to do that.

Jumping the fence that penned in the goats at the front of a small cottage he made his way through the muck and mess and vaulted the fence on the other side. He tried yet another front door, blocked again. He pulled back so he could ram through it. Only something made him pause a moment. Was that a noise from within? He placed his ear to the wooden slats that made up the solid structure before him.

There were definitley people within. Checking the frame, and and door once more. He nodded decisively to himself and pulled back to give a slight run up.

As the door gave way under his weight and slammed into the wall beside him a scream rent the air. That was definitley a woman. His heart in his mouth, and breathing harshly he prayed to God Himself that that was not Aislinn. The table in the centre of the room was in the way. He could not see past it, yet he aslo had to give the signal. He was torn between duties.

Leaning back outwards and let out the earsplitting whistle that would bring all the men running in his direction. With that completed he sprinted into the room almost crashing into the table before him. Edging around it as was speedily as physicaly possible. At the scene that hit him on the other side his breath left him.

All he could see was red. There was blood pooling on the floor. Blood covering both women. Both breathing heavily, backs to the floor, both visibly in agony. Coming down hard on his knees. The pain jolting through him as he gritted his teeth and grabbed Aislinn by the shoulders, looking her over to see the full extent of her injuries.

She was finding it difficult to catch her breath. That much was obvious straight off. She had a deep cut on her arm, but he could not see anything else. Unless it was inside her very body where the damage lay. He hoped that was not the case. His eyes focusing once more on her face, he recognised that she had been trying to catch his attention. Her lips moving as though trying to speak.

He moved his head closer, straining to make out the words she formed almost silently. “I…Iona.” Her head moved in the direction of the other girl. “Please.” He could not believe what he was hearing. He knew what Aislinn was like. It was hard to miss her caring nature after spending an hour with her, but this was beyond anything he would have expected.

She had been through some sort of hellish seeming fight. And here she was trying to make sure the woman who had caused her injury was well. He did not know if he could ever be so selfless. He flicked a glance at the other woman, took in the position of the dagger handle he could see. Knew exactly what would happen next. There would be no hope, and a painful end. He could not help her know. But Aislinn. Aislinn he could help. “Sorry Aislinn, Cam would hand me my arse if I did not see to you above any other.” Lifting her into his arms, to her weak and futile protest. She did not want to be focused on when someone else had injuries worse than her.

Taking her around the table, and back out the doorway he saw the men racing over to him. Aonghus being the first to him, he nodded solemly over his shoulder, and saw his twin straighten his shoulders before entering the cottage.

Highland Dream (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora