Chapter 44

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AN - who it was took me completely by surprise, but it's the only one that now makes sense for me. Since I started writing this book has gone in a completely different direction to what I had originally planned. I will be going back and adding things/editing later. I am also thinking about doing a sequel focusing on Hamish.

Anyway...please read!

Chapter 44

“Why? I do not understand. What are you doing?” Aislinn was completely confused now. She did not think her mind was working fast enough to catch up with what was happening. “Why will I be leaving in a hurry?”

“Oh Aislinn, I am afraid you really are not intelligent to work this out are you?” A sliver of light lit and bounced off of a sharp edge held in a tight hand. Aislinn’s mind seemed to be catching up with her, finally, only to realise what was actually happening. The blade was incredibly sharp, she could see that from where she stood on the opposite side of the one room cottage from the only door. The door currently blocked by a woman who looked half mad.

How had she managed to fool everyone so well? Surely something she had done has to have come through in her actions somewhere. No body had thought she was anything other than what she had appeared.

Now, now Aislinn had to think. She had already tried to use poison, and she suspected had been the one behind Corey’s kidnapping and time in the hunting cabin. How anyone could hide this kind of evil for so long was completely unbelievable. Talk. She had to keep her talking. “Why?”

“Why what Aislinn? You trying to keep me talking, hope help will come. Do not worry about that, I made sure there was plenty of time before you would be missed.” She took a step away from the door, but Aislinn was still on the wrong side of her and the blade to make it out unscathed. Especially in the dress she wore. It was not exactly conducive with stong energetic movement, such as fighting or running. “So please, Aislinn, do let amuse me with the inane little questions. You want to know why, well lets be a little more specific shall we.”

Aislinn did not know how she had been taken in until now. But she knew not to underestimate her now. “Why me? Why now?” She was hoping pride would take over and force her companion into a lenghty explanation. Cam would not let her down now…only she did not know how long it would be before he realised. And what had she done to waylay them?

“Why now, we can get to that in a moment. Why you? You have what I wanted. What I worked so hard for. My entire life, I was groomed to take what you got just by turning up with a few bruises. And flashing your big helpless eyes in Camdyn’s direction. You have no place in this clan. I was born into it, raised in it, loved by it. You are nothing. Oh he will mourn you, but I will be there to make sure he does not fall. I wil pick up the little pieces and put them back together again. You can go knowing he will be well looked after.

Why now? Well, whenever am I going to have another opportunity such as this? All alone, people waiting for you, but with a little nudge that you are so nervous, and you need some extra time. Only what a shame to find you missing. No trace. Your loss will not be felt as keenly as you think. How easy it was to spread those rumour about you.”

The thoughts moved sluggishly. How can such a thing be so. The thoughts so twisted. Could she really believe such a thing. A fleeting pass of sorrow, this girl needed help, now she had to possibly fight her for the right to live. Dropping her gaze back down to the weapon, she did not know how to get out of this situation. The clarity of the moment was distorted within this woman’s mind. Anything could be hazing her perception of this conversation.

“The posioning. I am taking it that that was you.” At the smug expression that greeted her she knew it was true. “But the goblet was Camdyn. That means you wanted him dead. But you profess to want the position I will obtain with my marriage.” Not that any other knew it was her position all along.

The smug look dropped slightly. “Yes well, a mistake on my part. I was meant to teach Cam a lesson. For choosing you over me. Only I put a little too much of the poison in the goblet. Lucky, it was you that ended up drinking from it. The only regret I have was that it did not finish you off at the time.”

This was getting serious. If she was willing to take risks such as that with the mistake in the poisoning. She would truly be capable of anything. She saw her inch forwards. The blade edge flashing once more. She prayed that Cam would come looking for her. He had too, he had promised her, and he would not breah that promise. Think, she had to think. “Corey.” It came to her suddenly.

“Corey found out who you were. That is why you kept him hostage.” She really could not see the woman she had seen before. That impression had been forever covered over.

“Ah, yes poor Corey. He just would not leave it alone. You know he is heavier than he looks, but quiet easy to knock out with a solid bump on the head. He was going to ruin everything I had worked for. And that could not be allowed. Now, I do believe we are running out of time, as nice as our chat has been. If you do not mind, I do need to get on. If it makes you feel any better I will take good care of him.” She came forward faster.

Cam was getting worried. Aislinn still had not turned up. Isla had said not to worry, she had heard word that nerves had got the better of her, and she needed a few extra mintues to compose herself. Allow her mind to settle and let her walk through such a crowd of people. That he could understand. Had he not just had a bout of nerves himself. Only it did not feel right.

Hamish he could tell was as uneasy as himself. He tried to think it through as he did many problems. Nothing really leapt at him, only the sense of wrongness. The feeling that he needed to move, needed to be doing something…important.

The Keep doors flew open behind him. Corey’s mother stood there searching the crowd below. Making a direct line to him as soon as her eyes landed upon him. This was out of character from the healer. He moved to meet her half way. “What is it? Is it Corey?” He knew it was his handfasting. But his bride was taking the time to compose herself, he would have a few minute he was sure to solve this problem. It may even take his mind off of the uneasyness in his stomach.

“Camdyn,” the whispered reply made him lean closer. “I am so sorry for the timing, but Corey is finally lucid. Only he must talk with you immediatley on an issue of great import.” Making a snap decision Cam nodded, turned and explained what was happening to Hamish who had come up directly behind him.

Turning, after making sure the situation here was taken care off, he made his way at a run into the Keep.

Corey was propped up against the wall at the head of the bed, looking pale and weak still. But a new light was in his eyes, and Cam was sure he would pull through. “Corey, what have you to say? What is of so much import, you interupt my handfasting?”

“Apologies Camdyn, only I thought you should know. She’s utterly mad, I do not know what she will do. But she is aiming for Aislinn. Convinced Aislinn has stolen you away from her.”

“Who?” Cam felt like shaking the boy, he just wanted the name the rest he would do himself.


Cam felt his heart pound. He was not such an idiot as to question the truth he saw in Corey’s eyes. Nodding and thinking, he turned to leave. Only that was when it hit him. What he had missed earlier.

Aislinn was on her own in the cottage. The other women were to come ahead. So how could she have sent anyone with news of her nerves? That feeling in his stomach grew into a ball of lead. And he ran.

Highland Dream (Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora