The Bun in the Oven

521 19 13

Chapter 33

26th of Second Seed, 4E 202

Kaito rubs his swollen cheek. "I was kidding about the present," he says as I slump on the bed post. "And I was also kidding about the pregnant thing, I'm just assuming - "

I stop slouching and lean forward, plummeting my face onto the bed. "No, I think you're right," I moan into the fur blankets, whining. "I'm going to suffer and get fat. Kaito, how could you do this to me..."

Kaito doesn't react to my melodramatic complaining. I shift my head to the left, glaring at him. He shrugs. "If you wanted to stop, you could have."

I groan, taking my pillow to hurl it at him. He leans to the side and evades it. "You said you didn't mind if we did it in the inn - "

"Kaito!" I scream into my blanket, hiding my furious blush. He stifles a laugh and taps my shoulder.

I narrow my one visible eye at him. He pulls out my arm, then places the ring he retrieved from his weird quest on my ring finger. "So you'll marry me?"

"Kaito, how long have I known you?"

He shrugs. "Long enough for you to bed me," he says victoriously, dodging yet another swing. He chuckles. "And I've seen couples court each other within a month of knowing each other. I think royals do it all the time."

"We aren't a couple," I grumble, hugging my blankets. He remains silent. "W-Well..." I continue, until I hear another explosion-like crash as my door abruptly drops to the ground. I gasp, startled once again.

Standing behind the doorway is a wide-eyed Babette and Veezara, side by side. Babette drops the sweetroll she was holding, staring directly at Kaito and I as Veezara is standing like a statue.

I wince at their gawking. "D-Did you hear..."

Both of them nod slowly. And finally, Babette gasps, a mix of horror and excitement. "You guys did it?" she asks in a semi-suspicious tone, mouth in a big O.

Kaito shrugs. "Well, you know, back in Morthal, we - "

"KAITO!" I shriek, causing them both to exchange looks.

Veezara remains tense like a rigor mortis process. "This is a significant change," he murmurs, then gazes down to my stomach. "I never thought you two would work out."

"Or stay on the same bed, let alone do your nasty business," Babette adds on with no shame. "But on a more serious note... is it true?"

I also look down at my belly that houses those delicious sweetrolls. "I-I'm not sure..."

Kaito shrugs. "I don't know much about it, so I don't have a say."

Babette thoughtfully closes her eyes. "Well, there's only one way to find out. And we need Gabriella, since she knows about magic."

As soon as Babette left, Gabriella rushed in, her first words being, "Is it true?"

Kaito and I shrug.

The Dunmer approaches me, then equips a blue spell on her palm. "Don't move. I'll use a spell to detect any life growing inside you." She casts the Alteration incantation for a few seconds, then widens her eyes. "It is true. Though barely forming, there's a red spot in your belly. A baby."

Kaito brushes past Gabriella. "Let me see," he says, crouching as he places his hands on my waist. "Laas Yah Nir!"

His eyes peer on my belly. "It's there," he confirms, then looks up at me. I avert my eyes away from him, covering my face with the back of my hand. "There's no shape, but I see red." Red, meaning that something is living. I'd be concerned if he said it was blue.

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