Alternative - Here With You

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Note: This was ORIGINALLY going to be the ending from the start. However, this end chapter was discarded and I came up with Cortana's death. The reason why it's so short is because I didn't finish this chapter after I posted Here With You. Enjoy this Alternative!


My eyes flick open as soon as something heavy crashes into the ice I'm captivated in, breaking the frozen water around me.

It's cold. I cant breathe at all, but before my lungs begin to burn like gasoline, I'm abruptly pulled out.

"See, I told you it was her!" screams Babette, worry and excitement in her voice. "Now get that coffin out of the water, Kaito will drown before you can even pull that thing."

I hack violently and throw up the side. Kaito must be alive...that's a relief.

I try to move, but I can't. I look down towards my torso. Some nerves must have malfunctioned, because my legs are barely moving a twitch. My body is numb from the ice, shards of glass the coffin was pushed through impaling my skin.

Once the Night Mother's coffin is freed from the pond, Kaito bursts out and cradles me. He's still emotionless, as always. The pieces of glass are carefully plucked out like splinters, and he casts a healing spell over my wounds. My legs tingle. They're slightly functioning again.

"Are you all right?" I ask him immediately, but hesitantly. And no, before you ask, I am not concerned for Kaito.

"You actually care, huh?" is the stupid reply I receive. He chuckles a bit at my scowl. I spot a large bruise on his shoulder, his plum-coloured shirt ripped. He notices my worry and laughs. "That isn't important. Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," I huff, managing to bend my knees. They're still sore and numb, but with the help of Babette's potion, my fingers also work properly. "Now get off me!"

He stands up, lets go of me, and faces away. I stare at him, alert. What's wrong with him?

"Kaito..." I mumble. Then he starts walking away. "Wait, where are you..."

"You've always wanted me gone, right?" Kaito slightly turns his head, his back towards me. "You hate me, so I'm simply doing you a favour to leave."

I weakly push myself off the ground but stumble a couple times. Damn, my legs are screwed up. "Leave? You're leaving?" I press in disbelief.

"Yes," he answers monotonously. "Goodbye, Cortana."

I clench my fists.

And I rush behind him, thankfully I didn't fall.

"Don't go," I mutter, clinging to his waist. "Why would you leave me? I don't..."

Damn you Dragonborn for making me say this.

"I don't want you to leave!" I scream louder than expected, even startling myself. Nazir and Babette exchange looks, aghast. I close my eyes. Kaito doesn't move, but he swallows uneasily. "Don't go..."

The Dragonborn quietly breathes out, maybe from how tightly I'm squeezing his waist. "And why is that, Cortana?"

My throat feels thick. I blink, a line of water running down my cheeks. "Because... because..."

Babette ushers Nazir up the steps and towards Astrid's room, leaving both of us alone. I wait until they're gone, and the only sound is the waterfall. I lock my fingers around him, refusing to let go. "Because... I... I've always wanted to...

With my lips quivering and eyesight blurred from tears, he pries my arms off of him. Kaito now turns around to face me. He's also shaking, but I don't know why. "You've always wanted to...?"

My cheeks are burning the shade of snowberries. "You stupid pervert... why does it have to be you? You're the one who's been annoying me - "


"You always tease and make fun of me - "

"Calm down."

"Ever since you came I hated you - "

"Wait - "

" - but whenever you weren't around, I felt alone - "

"Think about what you're saying - "

"Why is that? You always took me to fun places, we fought, and I even had your sister contract vampirism! Why do you tease me so often, but why do I always love when you're by my side? I've always wanted to..."


"I've always wanted to be with you since a long time ago!"

Kaito widens his eyes, his expression full of pain and regret. I shut my eyes, afraid of his reply. The scenario filling up in my mind is rejection, and I grow even more anxious at the thought. " you finally gave in..." he mutters, smiling.

"You're really sly, Kaito..." I grumble, our fingers intertwining. I press my forehead onto his neck. "Hey..."

"What?" he whispers.

"...I love you."

Kaito pulls away from me. "I'm sorry." I advance closer to him, but he continues to slowly step backwards. "I'll make sure to visit."

"Wait! Where do you think you're going?" I grasp his hand furiously, desperately. "You can't leave me."

He laughs softly. "I won't leave you here for long... I'm always here with you. I didn't want to grow attached to you, but I did. I feared this would happen."

I swallow a lump in my throat. "You were meant to leave from the start?"

"I need to defeat Alduin before the world is completely gone. Being an assassin increased my skill, and that's what I was aiming for. Now that I wasn't there to kill a dragon at Kynesgrove, the Greybeards had become angry," he explains quickly. "I'm sorry."

I can barely speak, and it comes out as sad whispers. "You'll be back, right?"

He nods and places something in my hand. Then he begins to depart from my side. Replacing his warmth is an icy atmosphere, and it seeps into my bones. I reach my hands out towards him, the Dragonborn, the Listener, my partner. "Wait..."

Kaito turns his head, halfway up the stairs. "When you return..."

"Will you marry me?" he interrupts.

I clench my fist. "Yes. Now promise you'll be back!"

"I will."

This time, tears are flowing from my eyes. "You promised you'd be here with be sure to come back," I mutter. The Black Door closes, and now I know he's gone. "Hello?"

There's no reply. My heart shrivells. I grasp the Band of Matrimony close to my chest, Kaito's Gift.


A sound comes from where Nazir and Babette are waiting. "Cortana, come quickly! Astrid is in here!"

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