The Red-Eyed Monster

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Chapter 30

I can't let him get away from me.

Making my way past the snow, and into her house, the door is firmly shut and locked. I don't mind what anyone else thinks. I need to get in that house, and kill her. Those red eyes, why didn't I notice it before? She just wants him as her thrall!

"No!" I curse in frustration once my lockpick breaks in two, and I search in my pocket for another. I have to get inside that house.

Nevermind the lock. Grasping my dagger, I stab into the wood of the house, kicking and shoving and digging at the door. Rinse and repeat, until there's a hole large enough for me to fit through. As expected, Hroggar already wields an axe in his hand once I burst into the house. He's guarding the cellar.

"Out of my way!" I scream, lunging my dagger at him. It cuts off an allotment of his red hair, and it falls to the floor. He dodges my attack, and trips to travel behind me. I don't care about anything else in the world. I need to get into that cellar.

Hroggar's eyes have no spark, as if he's dead. No, he's just enthralled. I've never seen a thrall before. Hroggar is emotionless, and possibly goes by Alva's command. What if Kaito is already a thrall?

My heart pumps in my chest, and I feel sweat forming on my hairline. I bring all my strength into this attack, but my back is stinging like nobody's business. Damn stab wound. My dagger plunges in his neck, and I don't stop until the hilt touches his skin.

Blood squirts on the side of my cheek, a bit sneaking its way into the side of my parted mouth. I lick my lips, swallowing the sour drop of blood, and with some time, I wring my blade out from his neck. One hand bloodstained, I use my other to fish out the key hidden under Hroggar's twitching body. He coughs up blood, laying on his stomach as he looks up with me with lively eyes, seeming nothing like a thrall before he passes.

Unlocking the door, I push it harshly, but it's like a wardrobe is blocking the way. I can't let anything get in my way.

Alva needs to die.

"Ha..." I breath out, my lips stretching like a cat's. Now I see the resemblance of Cicero and I. My father had the same cheeky grin.

Repeating the process, I rip open the door, stabbing my dagger into the middle to create a lightning strike-looking hole, and spread it open. I swing my foot to kick down the wardrobeー


By Sithis...

It isn't a desk, wardrobe, or any normal thing to block the cellar door. A pile of dead bodies are blocking the doorway, each tossed on their stomachs, blood-drained and smelly. A hand is under the slit of the door, preventing it from opening. Well. That's one way to stop someone from breaking into your bedroom.

"Out of my way..." I growl, kicking the corpses, plugging my nose with my clean hand. The stench of blood and rotting skin... I giggle at their faces. Soon, Alva's pretty little face will be ugly. So ugly, she'll have the face of a Hagraven.

But shit, this smells. I really do hate the smell of rotting corpses. Just explaining it won't do it justice of how bad it is.

I push away bodies hanging from the roof of the cellar, one of them looking like a dried juniper. With one step, I almost trip down the stairs, but I grasp a foot, regaining my balance. "Thanks," I say to the body, as if he'll hear me.

The door is now visible, and instead of slowly opening it, I abruptly (and epically) kick it open, gripping the helve of my jewelled dagger. Dust emerges from the impact, like smoke rising from the ground.

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