Fit for a Killer

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Chapter 15

1st of Hearthfire, 4E 201

It has already been two days since we departed from the sanctuary. We arrived yesterday, and due to some malfunctions, Kaito and I were spending the night on a wagon. So annoying.

The Winking Skeever is right across Radiant Raiment, and I have never would of guessed the sisters who run this place would be loyal to the Dragonborn. Did he persuade them of some sort?

The shop is right by the main gates, and there are plenty of visitors. This time, the store is closed just for us. I am surprised they know about the Dark Brotherhood, and promise to not tell a soul. Way for Kaito to spill the beans.

Taarie is extremely kind to me, despite insulting my outfit numerous times (her sister, too) She's also an Altmer, and it shows it, too. Her skin is the gold complexion of a High Elf, hair silky and soft, and very tall. Me, I'm short, so she was also quite rude about that, too.

Her sister does not favour me that well. Endarie is friendlier to Kaito, and blushes whenever he is even two feet away from her. I thought she hated everyone.

Three hours later, they are still debating whether I wear a gown, or a simple dress.

"We don't want her to stick out like a sore thumb!" Taarie argues with her sister.

Endarie just shakes her head. "As if she doesn't stick out already - look at that hair!"

She just scowls when I shoot her a menacing glare, but I gaze up to my curls. They are not that ridiculous, are they?

"No, no, no! The corset shouldn't be huge. She's still an elf, not a Nord, as of Nords, her waist isn't that enormous!" I hear Endarie shriek of frustration. I swear...

"We're talking about elves, here! Dear sister, she is half Nord! She shouldn't be that skinny!" Taarie snaps.

Finally, they come out of their sewing department and hold up an achromatic lilac corset.

"Here, let's have Muscles here help put this on..." Taarie suggests, and Kaito comes walking in.

"What? Don't look!" I scream, shaking my head.

"Don't worry, I've already seen you naked."

"Since when?!"


"You said you didn't look!"

That perverted bastard.


"K-Kaito..." I whimper, sweat dripping down my head. I grip the spots of the wall, breathing heavily.

"Shh... it's almost done," he coos, but this hurts. I can't breath. He's behind me, pushing me against the wall. My breathing accelerates, and I bend slightly. What have I gotten myself into?

"I-It hurts..." I plead, and I cry out in pain. He stops for a moment, then keeps going.

I slam my fists against the wall, sweating. "Shh..." he shushes me again, keeping me by the corner. "It's almost over."

He pulls again, sending me screaming. I lift my head up as he stretches and flexes again.

"Oh gods... Kaito, please stop..." I wheeze, but he keeps on going. My hair is soaked in little pinpoints of sweat, but I wipe it off with the back of my hand. "A-Ah! You idiot!" I scream.

"You don't like it?" he asks, panting only slightly.


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