A Smile as Red as Blood

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Chapter 21

**you can skip this chapter if you want, i also drew a picture of Cortana as a child!**

11th of Second Seed, 4E 191

My name is Cortana Amaranthine, born 12th of Second Seed in the Fourth Era of 180! I weigh sixty pounds of sweetrolls, but don't ask how I know. I'm just going to tell you a life lesson: don't eat sixty pounds of sweetrolls. You'll get a tummy ache.

My father works for the Emperor, carrying out dangerous duties for him, so the Amaranthine Family is known by half of Skyrim. We're well respected among them, too. We have our pay sent to us by the Penitus Oculatus, a huge bag of septims. I'm often a burden to them, so I stay out of their way.

Our property is fairly large, but that's just so thieves won't suspect us of being the Emperor's puppets. Our garden is full of flowers, but animals usually eat our crops, which isn't a problem. The chickens are mean to me, and they peck my feet if I'm even metres away from them. Maven Black-Briar from Riften likes us, too. Once, my mother took me to the Thalmor Embassy for a big party. We met her there and she said she adores people who have power.

We have control over almost everybody. Not the Jarls or the high authorities, just citizens. That's why, the children spit at and mock me saying, "Mary-Sue, Mary-Sue, Mary-Sue! Acts like a goody two-shoes, but Cortana says moo moo moo!" It's a stupid rhyme, so I often ignore it.

My mother says I have the pastel hair of a Conjuration spell before it is cast, just the purple faint tint. She likes comparing our appearances with spells. My eyes are the brightest Magelight, skin snow-covered in Frost, and personality like the angry Fire Storm, but soft as Healing Hands.

My mother and I wait for my father to return from the Katariah with the Emperor. She is drinking Blue Mountain Flower tea, and I'm playing in the field of grass and flowers.

It's a beautiful scenery. I like being away from everyone. In Dragon Bridge, there's arguing and laughing and brawls and yelling and the sounds of the mills. Over here, it's peaceful. Sometimes, a man with a dog named Meeko walks the path, and occasionally greets us if we manage to walk out our door the time he arrives.

"Cortana, come here," Mother says to me, motioning for her lap. I nod, and hop onto her bright blue dress. She adores soft pastel colours, and I've grown to liking them, too. As I swing my legs, she tells me to close my eyes. I obey. Then, I feel something fuzzy and a little bit prickly around my head. I open my eyes, and a wreath of Nightshades rests upon my head, the leaves brushing against my hair. The petals softly touch my forehead, and I giggle.

"Mother, when is Father coming home?" I ask, but she swings her eyes behind me. I swivel my head. Father is standing across our garden, smiling, red hair glowing like fire in the sunlight, and returns to brown once shade comes over his head. He sits on the chair we're at, the small table on cobblestones and grass. It's so peaceful here. A morning draft greets us as it passes by our farm, and onto the next settlement. Father was on a trip somewhere with the Emperor, I don't know where.

"That's a beautiful crown, Cortana," Father says to me, snacking on one of the treats Mother eats with her tea.

"Daddy, why did you and Mummy name me Cortana?" I ask, since my name isn't very common in Skyrim, or all of Tamriel. I've been curious.

C-O-R-T-A-N-A. That's how you spell it! People often mistaken my name for Tana.

He sets down the treat. "Take a look around you."

I drink in my surroundings that I've seen for ten years. Bushes, grass, hidden animals, and numerous varieties of flowers. There are three ants crawling on Mother's chair, and a bunny scurrying away in the distance. A butterfly flutters above us. My eyes return to Father.

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