Escaping Helgen

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Chapter 2

"What in Oblivion is that?" a guard manages to choke out, staring closely at the creature.

The captain scouts the area, including the stone tower. "Sentry, what do you see?" Us prisoners surely knows what that thing is. It circles the town plenty of times on the opposite side, yet only a few of us are aware what is going on. The prisoner on the block seems also confused, but remains in his position, waiting for his death

"It's in the town!" a woman screams, a giant, terrifying monster lands atop the stone building that towers above us.

"Dragon!" a female Imperial shrieks, the army unsheathing their weapons. The prisoner doesn't move a single muscle, and remains at his spot. A normal person would run for their life. I cannot find Veezara, I am guessing he saw it too and ran. I widen my eyes at the ebony-scaled monster, who's crimson eyes gaze into my azure orbs for just a second, and sends rocks covered in fire towards the ground. The prisoner falls to the side, and begins to run with an Imperial soldier. But, the dragon scans the area, as if he is searching for a particular someone.

I, too, with a rush of panic, begins to force my feet where the building Veezara was maybe still at, and calls out his name, my hands still bound. "Veezara!" I scream over and over until I give up and sprint the other side where everyone is.

"I'll just have to escape my-" I crash into a being and land painfully on my bottom, but showed no expression to the pain. It is an Argonian with maroon and black armour, a uniform matching mine. Veezara!

"Ah, there you are!" Veezara helps me up to my feet. With a destruction spell, I quickly burn the rope that bounds my hands together and rub my wrists. "Astrid sent me to look for you. Did I interrupt your execution?"

I merely chuckle and scan the sky, seeing the dragon circle the town and land near a building opposite of us. "I'm relieved nobody noticed my armour...but we have to go a different route just in case," I say, scouting the area. "There!"

I hop over the inn which is almost crumbled down to flames. The ground beneath Veezara and I's feet vibrates as soon as the dragon lands once again, pebbles and dirt flying everywhere. I find a keep nearby with two doors, one on the left, and one farther on the right. "Which one?" he asks.

"I think any will do. Let's take the right passage!" I look back to see Ralof and Hadvar heading our way. Will Hadvar attempt to arrest me? I cannot risk that. Before I run inside, I catch a glimpse of the prisoner. Glad to know he's doing fine, but good luck to him if Hadvar ends up arresting him again. Running towards the right entrance to the keep, a Stormcloak soldier is also trying to escape.

"Are you trying to escape, too? My name is Gunjar. Wait...that armour, it's familiar..." I cut off the rebel by a slash of my ebony dagger. Do not need him spreading the word that two Dark Brotherhood members are also escaping Helgen. Seeing the locked door, I remember keeping one of the keys to unlock this passage. Shuffling through my pocket, I unlock the door and wait for Veezara to walk beside me. As soon as we are both at the other side, I lock the door, making sure nobody can follow in our footsteps. We sneak past some Imperial soldiers, and cling onto the wall, noticing it is a captain. The same one who tried to kill me? Uh, no. I press my finger over my lips, signing to be absolutely quiet. We pass them without a problem, and rummaged through some barrels to find some health potions.

"So you say you know a way out of here?" Veezara asks as he catches the potion I tossed. I nod, deep in thought. Why would a dragon be here, in Skyrim? They were only in legends, and tales my parents used to read to me when I was younger.

I find a table with bread, tankards, and a Potion of Minor Healing.

"You should drink one too," he says, handing me a small healing potion. I shake my head.

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