The Silence Has Been Broken

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Chapter 13

28th of Last Seed, 4E 201

Kaito made us breakfast and lunch for our trip, depending how long we'll be in Volunruud and back. Yesterday, he cooked, and...

"Dinner is ready," he said, preparing the tableware. We walked toward the table, the sweet scent of soup roaming our nostrils.

"Woooow~!" Babette squealed, taking the first bite. Everyone joins in, including me. He created Apple Raisin Pie, and Chicken Soup for all of us, which was quite delicious.

The chicken wasn't at all plagued with fat, and was delightfully soft, along with the pie he baked. Normally I'd thought girls can cook, but in our little family, it's the men, surprisingly. The last time Gabriella and I tried cooking, we almost set the whole dining room on fire. Festus had to use his frost magic to ease the flames, and we just made ice cream instead. Kaito introduced us to popsicles, frozen snowberries and water mixed together. Babette has been craving frozen blood all night.

I'm also real picky for what I eat for dessert. I'm afraid I'll be begging Kaito to bake me sweetrolls from now on.

So, long story short, Kaito is an excellent cook.

I take a few bites of my breakfast and sip Ginger Ale along the way, dusting off a few crumbs on my lap and Shadowmere's mane I made while eating.

"Your leg has healed up?" Kaito asks me. I nod, saving the rest of the food. Babette forced an overdose of Health potions down my throat, along with professional healing from Gabby.

We're finally at Volunruud, and it isn't much different from other ruins. A skeleton rests onto a throne-looking seat, and I poke it for fun. It stands up before I give it a large kick to the stomach, the bones scattering across the thick, mouldy water. Skeletons are so much fun to battle.

This place reeks of comfrey and hyssop, and I cringe at the miasma. The torches clinging onto the stone wall has a day or so before burning out, and the atmosphere is heavy, probably because of the smell.

"Laas, Yah!" Kaito whispers. He scans the area, including the walls surrounding him without descending the small staircase.

"What are you-"

"Shh..." he silences me as he continues to face the wall like a complete idiot, his forehead pressed against the stone. What in Sithis is he doing...

Finally, he turns to face me. I can't tell if he's serious, bored, or even excited. "There are two living bodies to the left, and a Draugr Death Overlord."

I twitch. It had to be an Overlord. Can't it be a Deathlord, or at least a Scourge? I cling to the walls before lunging my dagger into a Wight's flesh, the steel piercing the corpse's neck until it connects with a bone. With my dagger deep into the Wight's cadaverous skin, I kick its knees forward and pull out my blade. Kaito just does it the easy and boring way, slicing a restless one's head clean off.

"In here."

Sure enough, an overlord greets us with a shout, one extremely strong, as the force almost knocks my dagger out of my grip. I tightly squeeze the hilt with my right hand, fire in the left. My jewelled dagger was made especially for me, no trading or buying, just for me. My father created the dagger with gold, ebony, and steel, my mother decorating the hilt with jewels. Amethysts, jades, sapphires, one diamond in the middle, any you can think of. For me.

"Zun Haal Viik!" he shouts, sending another forceful wave towards me. This time, I dodge the Voice, tumbling sideways. Just how can they shout when they're dead? Why don't we just flee while casting a restoration spell, and just leave the oh-so-scary Dovakiin to battle?

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