Chapter 2

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"How do you manage in here? Not even a single taxi," Liane complained.

I looked at my watch. It was a quarter to one. "No, there's a few but maybe they all went to bed already. It's almost one morning anyways," I said, yawning.

"Is it really? Fuck, I have to get to the stop. I need to be in the next bus," She hugged me, "I really need to go." She jogged off to the other side. At least the bus stop was walking distance.

I looked down the street. There were headlights a block away. I stepped off the curb, trying to get closer. Maybe it's a taxi.

It was on it's way. It was slowing down. My eyes widen. It's coming and I have to move. My movements were sluggish then everything went black.

* * *

As soon as the door clicked, hushed whispers follow and by their voices, I can tell that it was my parents.

"The poor thing fractured his arm, John. Thankfully, it was just minor so he doesn't need a cast. He only needs to wear an arm sling til' he's free to go so it won't hurt. The doctors say that he might've tried to lessen the impact on her with his arm. If it wasn't for the air bag they say it could've been a lot worse."

I wanted to open my eyes but I can't. All I hear—aside from my parents—are small beeps from a machine to my left. I wanted to ask them what was happening.

"He also has amnesia, right?" I hear Dad ask.

There was a long pause before Pops started speaking, "Yeah. Anne said he woke up not even knowing his name. She's helping him. Showing him pictures and all."

I tried opening my eyes again and this time I got to see a blinding light, making me squint.

"Dad?" I call, my voice weak and hoarse.

They didn't hear me but my Pops saw me.

He gasped, "John, she's awake."

They walked at the edge of my bed and sat there, Pops patting my leg like he always does when I cry hugging my pillow. I took a sip of the water my Dad offered, gulping it with a bit more effort than usual.

I managed to smile even if my whole body felt really sore, "Hi."

They both smiled back warmly, Dad sighing in relief. He was wearing his usual button up shirt with a vest. Pops wore his usual gray t-shirts with corny pick-up lines. Today it was 'What's cooking, good looking?"

I may be adopted by two gay men but they made me and my brother feel so loved none of us tried finding our real parents. We were quite content despite the constant teasing during our elementary days, where other kids are closed minded. They adopted Sean—my adoptive brother—when he was one. Two years later, they got me when I was six months old. They may be strict as hell but they're great.

My smile wavered when I noticed something, "Why are you old?"

John—I mean Dad chuckled, "What do you mean?"

I looked at both of them. I'm pretty sure that they didn't look like this last weekend, "Well for starters you both have grey hairs, which I swear was not there when I saw you guys last weekend and Pops has wrinkles in his forehead now. I'm pretty sure it was not that prominent when I last saw you."

Pop absentmindedly swiped his forehead as if it will remove the wrinkles, "Well don't expect us to stay young forever. Honey, I'm pretty sure we didn't see you last weekend. Your Dad and I went to London to see your Aunt Margaret. She sends you her best wishes, by the way."

I stare at them in confusion. I was 99.9% sure that I went home last weekend. We even had barbecue for dinner, and as of Aunt Margaret, I was also sure that we haven't visited her since her 48th birthday last summer.

My eyebrows knit themselves together, "What?"

So my parents aged like crazy overnight while they keep saying they hadn't seen me last weekend. I'm sure 'What?' Is just about the right reaction here.

"I think we should call a nurse," Pops suggested, getting up to press a button on my left.

"Robert, I think we need to talk. Privately," Dad said.

They left the room without a word. I had to wait for a few minutes but when they came back, they had a doctor with them.

The doctor smiled at me, "Good afternoon, Chase. I'm Dr. Kein. How are you feeling today?"

I roll my eyes, "Well my body feels like it's been hit by a truck and my head feels like someone's blowing up bombs in it but aside all that I'm fine."

He nodded, "We'll give you some meds for that.Has anything been unusual for you since you woke up?"

I took a glance at my parents, "Uh... Yeah. My parents... They look way older."

"Mmm... Can I ask what was the last thing you remember?" He asks

I chuckle. They should probably know how I got here. Why ask? "I got hit by a car, didn't I? I was out with my friend, Liane. I got hit by a car."

As I said it, I felt a tingle in the back of my neck. Why do I feel like what I said was wrong?

"Okay," he gestures for the nurse behind his back to take note,"Can you tell me what year it is?"

I let out a tiny laugh, "It's 2008 now... Right?"

The doctor hands me a newspaper. Why? I don't know why doctors give you newspapers. Maybe it's part of the payment with this room. I took a glance at the headline.

'Clinton smashes Trump at new presidential survey'

"Who's Trump? And Clinton? Is this the old—"

My Pops stomped his feet, "Oh for God's sake, Chase. Look at the date, not the headline."

So I did. It was June 15th, 2016.

I felt the world spin. What? Everything suddenly feels weird. I looked at all of them in the room. Are they still real humans or has there been a huge breakthrough with science that they managed to make human-like robots now? It's only been eight years, right?

Oh fck.

"So I've been in a coma for eight years? I've missed college?" I asks, my voice cracking. Tears were starting to fill my eyes.

Dad came to my side, "No, you graduated with honors, sweetheart. You were only out for 45 hours."

"Then what—"

The doctor cleared his throat, "So everything may come to a shock but I'm afraid you're suffering retrograde amnesia. It may be because of the impact on your head when your car crashed—"

"My car crashed? Like, it was mine? I was in it?" I asked. My parents won't even get me a dog, now they're telling me I have a car?

"Yes. Looks like you forgot the last eight years. You were in a car crash with—" he looked at my parents for a moment, "You were with your husband."

"A husband?" I screamed. I sat up which was not a good idea because it only made me nauseous, "You're telling me I have a husband? That is absolutely ridiculous! That is absurd! This is—This is just a prank, right? I bet Sean is behind this. Sean! Where—"

"Chase, you need to understand. You forgot the past eight years. You're 26 now, married for about 3 years. If you remember that accident of yours then you might remember him. You met him in your first day after all. Remember Harry?" Pops asked.

Harry? Who on earth is Harry?

"No. No! Can everyone get out for a moment?"

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. I still sense their presence but I couldn't care less. I was crying now and before I knew it, I passed out again.

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