Chapter 6

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For the next three days, it felt like me and Harry were a hot topic in the Hospital. Every time a different nurse comes in there's also a different question asked about my situation. I guess it's a first that they had two amnesiacs in the hospital who happen to be married. It is a bit weird. What are the odds that me and Harry will both get amnesia?

I was eating dinner, watching The Hangover on the small telly, when my Dad barged in, making me jump. "Oh gosh, Dad, can you knock next time? You're gonna give me a heart attack."

He turned off the telly and sat at the end of the bed. Oh no. What now?

He sighed, "We need to talk."

"Isn't Pops gonna join in this talk?"

He shook his head, "He's got other stuff to attend to."

That's when you know it's a serious talk. Pops was never the serious parent. He never liked talks like this cause he might make a dad joke on the middle and end up laughing for a minute.

When it's Dad then you know you're screwed.

I took a bite of my stale bread—from the canteen, Of course—knowing that whatever this is about, I'm probably gonna loose my apetite, "What's the matter?"

"You're gonna be released tomorrow," He said but his tone wasn't anything near joyful.

I threw my hands up in the air, "Oh thank goodness! I am so done with this hospital. I can finally eat cheeseburgers and pizzas and some good chicken cause their chicken here is drier than the whole Sahara Dessert," I went on and on about the food I'd like to eat in celebration but Dad wasn't joining in, "Aren't you happy, Dad? We're finally getting out."

He was rubbing his hands together and tried to put on a smile. It didn't work, "'Course I'm happy, but I think you're missing something here."

"What? I know I still have to come back for my check-ups and—"

"Oh, not that, silly. The thing is... about your living situation," He explained.

I chuckled nervously, "I don't see what's the problem with that. I have a house, right?"

He nodded, gazing at the now blank tv screen, "Yeah, you do. You live in it with Harry."

Oh... Of course, how could I miss that part?

"Then I'll just move to Wyoming with you guys," I said. Even I wasn't sure about that.

He shook his head, "No, you can't. There's no life for you there. Didn't you ever wonder why we didn't move there until you and Sean went to college? It's because you both have small opportunities there. Your whole life is in New York now."

I gulped hard, 'There's always a way' they say, "What if—What if I move out? He can keep the house, I move out into a small apartment, continue my job like nothing happened. I won't mind."

I tried to smile at my Dad but it probably looked like I was just convincing myself.

"No. We actually talked with the doctors about it. They said that continuing your lives as if nothing happened could help. It could trigger your day to day memories. I'm sure your friends can help you with that."

For a minute there, he sounded like he was the one reassuring his self.

I slammed my hands on the table—ow, "Do the doctors even know what they're saying? How can we live like nothing happened when I have a gaping hole of missing memories worth eight years and Harry has no memories at all. No memories of childhood, of school, college, and no memories of me. How can we live then?"

"Please, sweetheart. Just give it a chance. It might work, you both remembered something when you met at the corridor. Maybe seeing each other everyday will help." He said, shrugging.

I rolled my eyes, "And what if it doesn't work? What happens then?"

Dad stood up, rubbing his balding head with his hand, "Oh God, Chase! Just give it a chance. You've always been the optimistic one."

I'd stand up too but the table was blocking my way and I'd still have to detangle my IV tubes, "No, Dad! I'm being realistic here. We both forgot our feelings for each other. It's pointless if you ask me." 

He let out a deep ragged breath, "Please, just try it. There's no pill for amnesia. This is your best bet. Just give it a year and when nothing comes back, you can do whatever you like."

He was right. Of course, he is. There was no absolute cure for amnesia. The best thing doctors would prescribe is to look at pictures and talking to people who know you, then they'd give you a timeline of about five months to 'until the rest of your life' to get back your memories.

I sighed in defeat, "Okay, I'll give you guys five months."

"No, that's not enough. How 'bout ten months?"

I raised my eyebrow, a smile slowly creeping in, "Six."


"Nope. How 'bout seven?"

"I knew you're Pops for seven months before we started dating. Eight." He tried to hide his smile. He got me.

I let out probably the longest sigh in my entire life. "Okay... I'll give you eight months and if nothing happens, I'll leave."

He gave me a side hug, squeezing me hard, "Oh, you were always stubborn. I'm even surprised you agreed."


He put his hands over my mouth, "Oh hush. I remember scolding you when you were a kid because you wouldn't eat you're eggplants. You were so stubborn that I just let you get away with it."

"So you're—"

He clamped his hands on my mouth again, "Thank you for agreeing. We really appreciate it."

"Whatever, Dad. I know you wouldn't let me get away with it this time. I got my stubbornness from you after all."

He chuckled, finally letting me go of his hug, "Seriously, Chase. Thank you for agreeing. You're not just helping yourself, you're also helping him here."

I scoff, "Yeah, I'm generous that way."

He hugged me again, "Chase, never forget that we love you, okay? Trust me, Harry's good. If I were the one to pick you a husband, I'd pick him and that's saying a lot already."

"Geez, Dad. I may have a hard time believing this but I'm twenty-six not ten," I said, trying to wriggle out of the hug but his grip was too tight.

"Yeah, you're right but you'll always be five years old to me."

I chuckled, "Sure, Dad. Just make sure the stuff you get me for Christmas isn't for five years old."

He laughed and tried to ruffle my hair but I swatted him away. He walked towards the door, turning the telly back on his way out. Never mind that now because it was over.

"I'll try to know what happened to the other side. I'll be right back." He said, shutting the door gently.

Until then, I didn't even notice that I was holding back a breathe. Nervousness? Excitement? Fear? I can't really explain it. I felt all jumbled up at the moment.


Double update this week bc I've already drafted twenty chapters. Also because I just want all the filler chapters to be done with but I still hope you enjoyed that.

Btw, Happy October! Hope you have a nice one.

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