Chapter 15

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The sun was barely up when the knocking started.

I squinted at the clock on the side table, It was only 6:45. Who the the fuck wakes up at this time? I threw the blanket over my head in hopes to muffle the sound. Wait a minute... The sound came from the glass doors that opened to the balcony.

I took a peek at Harry, who was still snoring lightly. The knocks were getting louder and louder now. "For fucks sake, it's not even seven yet," I grumbled. I threw the curtain back. Niall sat on the floor outside, one hand on his phone while the other one was still knocking.

I slid the door open, "What?"

"Breakfast," he said, pointing to the table where Sophia and Liam were bringing out several plates.

I looked back at the room where Harry was still sleeping like a log, "At this time?"

Niall chortled, obviously I wasn't the only one not used to waking up at this hour. "Tell that to them."

At that moment, Sophia saw me talking to Niall, "Morning, Chase! C'mon you guys, breakfast is ready."

Niall continued to slump over our door. I sat beside him.

"Look at them. How the fuck did they managed to take a shower at this time?" He complained.

I laughed. Sophia and Liam were already dressed for their day while me and Niall are still in joggers. Not to mention Harry, whose snores are getting a bit louder as they're now audible. "Well," I stood up, "I'm not letting Harry miss the joy of waking up early."

I went back to bed and sat there and prodded Harry's cheek. "Harry!" I pinched his cheeks. Nothing.

I pinched his nose shut next. He only opened his mouth wider and snored louder. Really?

I went to the bathroom to get a cup of water, then sat back next to him in bed. I dipped my fingers in it and started sprinkling it to his face.

No use. I'm up to my last resort. I giggled as I tilted the glass to his opened mouth, spilling a bit of water.

He sat up immediately, choking. I couldn't stop laughing, "Are you okay?" I asked in between pants.

"Were you trying to kill me?" He said in between coughs. He gulped down what was left on the glass.

"Just trying to wake you up," I said and threw him a meek smile.

He looked at the clock. 7:06. "It's still early," he retorted, glaring at me.

"Breakfast is served," I said before leaving him to go back to the balcony.

I sat beside Niall at the round table, who was chewing on pancakes with his eyes closed. I was stacking up on my pancakes when Harry finally decided to join us, still looking sour.

I grabbed him a plate, "Do you want pancakes or waffles?" I offered. I am feeling a bit guilty now with the way he's looking at me.

"Waffles," he grumbled back. I placed the waffles in front of him as he placed a mug in front of me. He poured coffee on our mugs then to my surprise, he adds three packets of sugar on mine before adding milk to his.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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