Chapter 10

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After breakfast, I made my way to the backyard patio to call Niall, figuring that he was someone who could set me up on a date. I tapped my feet impatiently. After the fifth ring, he finally answers.

"Hello?" He said. He sounded groggy from sleep even if it was almost ten in the morning.

"Niall, It's me."

"Chase?" There was a lot of muffling sounds on his side, "Is everything okay?"

Why does everyone assume something's wrong when I call them? "No, everything's fine. I was actually calling for a favor."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Well... Do you know any boys?" I ask, whispering the last part. I roll my eyes. It's not like I was doing this behind Harry's back.

"More than half of the people I know are guys. Can you be a bit more specific?"

"Boys who can go out on a date with me?" I winced, anticipating my friend's reaction. Cue the scolding.

There was a loud thud on Niall's line before he spoke "What?!" He exclaimed "Are you insane? Does Harry know about this?"

I scoffed, "'Course he does. I bet he'll call you too to help him find a date."

"Oh, god. I—When I told you guys to go out, I mean with each other and not with other people," He said, his voice was raising with every word he said. "Please don't tell me that I was the one who planted this idea in your brain."

"Niall, chill out for a minute. It's just... We both wanted to date other people since we're kinda lost with each other at the moment."

"Okay," he exhaled loudly, "So you both want me to be your matchmaker? How am I gonna do that? Am I gonna tell people that I know this married woman who wants to date—"

"No," I shook my head even if he can't see it, "Leave that part to us."

"Oh, you both make me crazy," He sighs audibly, "Fine. I'll text you the details." And with that he hung up the phone.


Three days after that, Niall parked his car in front of this fancy restaurant called 'The Olive Corner' where their specialty is... Olives. At least, that's what Niall told me anyways. He also told me that this guy was great, handsome, stable, basically every good trait there is. He sounded like that annoying salesperson on the phone when he called to tell me he found someone.

"He's on his way. Just stuck in traffic," Niall said, looking up his phone. He drove us here, Harry rode shotgun while I was stuck in the backseat, wearing a dress—hell, I only wore these things for very, very special occasions and now my closet is made up of a good quarter of dresses.

It was quiet for a while, the only thing making sounds was the radio, playing some mind-numbing song about sex. Everything in the radio nowadays seemed to about sex anyways. We waited for about a good five minutes before a black Honda parked about four cars away from us.

Niall was waving through the tinted glass, removing his seatbelt. "Ah! There he is," He cackled.

We all got out of the car simultaneously. I took a deep breathe and straightened my dress. It was black with a white peter pan collar. Niall told me I looked like Wednesday from the Addams family. Harry told me I looked 'quite nice'.

Niall approached the guy who came out of the car, hugging each other—with a lot of back-patting as well.

Harry stopped at a good distance from them. I walked up to him and hooked my arms around his.

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