Chapter 5

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It's been ten days since I woke up in the hospital and my parents were coming back tonight. Hopefully to pick me up or I'll be bored to death in here.

Sophia came back three days after her first visit. She bought her husband along. It was weird talking to him. It was like someone knew you so well when you don't even know when their birthday is. He told me stories about Harry as he was closer with him. Personally, I couldn't relate since I can't remember it but it was worth knowing that he managed to sneak the five of us in a concert just by giving the bouncer a sandwich.

I mentioned that I was bored, right? God, this place is awful. I have no idea how nurses and doctors manage to go here every single day.

So I was wandering around the hospital again. My hip was better with all the physical exercise they give me. It only hurts when I get tired from walking.

I turned right to an unfamiliar corridor and the first thing I saw was him. Talk about things going to a pleasant turn.

His hair was longer just as how Sophia described it. His facial features were the same in the picture sans the dimples. He looks quite lost, maybe literally and figuratively.

I don't know whether I should approach him or just turn back. I wasn't sure if they showed him pictures of  us together, so I just stood there at the other end of the corridor. If he recognizes me then I'll talk but if not, I'll probably still talk to him.

He was dragging his IV pole with his good arm, the other one was in a sling but it was squeezing a stress ball. Maybe it was the therapy the doctors gave him. They told me that if I ever got frustrated with someone telling me something about my forgotten life then I should do something. Maybe the stress ball was his idea of venting out frustration.

Personally, I'd like to hit my doctor in the face but I'm stuck with screaming on a pillow.

I don't know how long I've been standing here but as he reached the middle of the corridor, he looked up and saw me.

He gripped his stress ball harder. Uh oh.

I raised my hand in greeting and smiled nervously, "Hi?"

He didn't give out any reaction, he just stared at me like I was a crossbreed of the two ugliest animals in the planet. Am I really that ugly cause when Delia brought in a mirror for me too look, I'd say I look decent enough to get myself a husband.

My smile wavered. Oh God, how am I gonna do this? I should probably ask my parents how to file a divorce. With the look he's giving me, it was like he was either puzzling me together in his mind or smashing me to pieces.

He walked closer and stopped at a good distance.

He cleared his throat, "So..."

I raise my eyebrow, "You know who I am, right?"

"Yeah. They told me. I actually remembered something there," he said.


"Well what?" He asked. His voice but raspy and deep and he also talks like he's in slow motion.

"Are you gonna tell me what you just remembered or are we just gonna stare at each other?" I ask.

Good for him he was starting to remember things. I still got 0% of my memory back. No, I do remember meeting him for the very first time. Even if he was passed out.

"Oh. Uhm... It was just a vague memory of you. You—you were laughing," He said, scratching the back of his head.

I felt dissapointed. I thought there was more, "So, How's recovery going for you?"

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