Chapter 12

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October 2008

Once you were in Harry's solar sysytem, there was no coming out. You start seeing him everywhere. From buildings where he's not concerned about, at the library, throwing winks that make girls—generally speaking—go weak on the knees, at Taco Bell where he paid for the three quesadillas I bought. And yes, you will notice that he does have a lot of friends. Every time I see him around, he has a different friend with him.

He also asked me out for lunch a several times now—almost everyday, now that I think of it. It was hard to say no since I liked his company. Every time we go back to campus after lunch, I'm already excited for the next one. I don't really know what or why but I swear, there's something addictive about this boy.

And sure, his roommates joined us sometime, Sophia did too and now she won't stop teasing me.

I applied a coat of mascara and studied myself in the mirror.

Sophia was reading a book in my bed, "You sure this is still not a date?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, this is my friend from high school, actually. Her name's Liane. She's here for the night then she has to go back to New York in the morning."

She huffed, "You're no fun."

"Don't expect me to bring home boys every other night," I said. "I'm really not that interesting."

"Just once a month then?" She joked.

I laughed, "Get off my case, will you?"

She closed her book and set it down the desk, "Can't. I'm your only friend here."

I checked my coat pocket. Keys. Phone. Money, "Actually," I scoffed, "You're not. I obviously have other friends."

She looked at me, bemused, "Are you talking about Harry and his henchmen?"

I flopped down next to her. It was still early anyways. Shrugging, I said, "Yeah... Other people as well, of course."

"Oh, here's a thought: I think you and Harry'd make a cute couple," She giggled and dodged her hand away when I was about to smack it. "I am not kidding. You both look absolutely cute specially when you giggle at his stupid jokes and he's sneak a glance at you and then he'd grin like a mad man when he sees you laughing. And you look cute together. You look tiny beside him and he's so tall."

I blushed furiously. Not because of Harry, but because of the idea of being with someone, "First of all, I am not tiny, I'm 5'4. He's just tall. And also, looking cute together isn't really enough," I stood up, heading to the door. "I'll leave you on your own now."

She picked up her book, "Don't get too drunk."

"I won't," I say, closing the door shut.

* * *

Liane propped her chin on the palm of her right hand, "Enough about me. What about you? What on earth are you doing?"

I closed my eyes momentarily. I was starting to feel lightheaded. I've always been a lightweight when it comes to drinking. I massaged my temples, "Everything's okay."

Liane snorted, "If everything's okay then why haven't we heard from you since summer?"

"It's—It's just really stressful. I never though of it like this. I've always thought it was parties every weekend, smoking weed between classes, and boys lining up to ask you out. Not staying up late to get work done, skipping a class just so you can get more work done for another class. I've never expected this," I ranted.

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