Chapter 7

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My parent's dropped me off after lunch, treating me to a big juicy cheeseburger first before dropping me at this house and I swear, this isn't mine.  A 55–inch flat screen tv? No way. 2 lazy boy recliners which probably costs two hundred bucks each? I'd laugh until I cried if someone just told me.

Sure, the house has some homey feel to it as not everything matches. But the stuff in here could be expensive, like that vase in the coffee table I accidentally broke. For all I know that could've been five hundred bucks and I just had to break it. I was afraid to touch anything even if it was technically mine—I mean, ours.

Harry wasn't here yet but I only assumed that he agreed to this because what's the point of me being here then, right?

I sat at the sofa instead of the recliners, I might ruin it accidentally. It was so soft even if it was leather. I bounced up and down, giggling.

I wonder how soft the bed is?

I was on my way to the stairs when the doorbell rang, making me jump. Not even an hour in here and I already got a visitor. I opened the door where a woman in her thirties stood, holding up a cake. Yum!

I smiled immediately, "Oh... Hi!"

"Hello, I'm Suzie from next door. Your parents told me about your amnesia and they told me you we're coming back today so I made this," She said, handing me a medium–sized chocolate cake. "Welcome back!"

I took it, 'never say no to dessert' they say, "Thank you! If you don't mind me asking, we're we close?"

She laughed, "We're neighbors. Now, I better get going, my kid might wake up any minute now."

I waved goodbye and closed the door, making my way to the kitchen, where it took me five minutes just to find the cutlery. I couldn't find the cake slicer so I just dug in with a fork. I ate at the breakfast table, enjoying the silence. No more machine beeping. No more wheels and most especially, no more stale food.

The cake was absolutely delicious. I wonder if I can bake something like this?

I was deciding if I should save the other half for later or eat it all now, when the doorbell rang. I hope it was another neighbor who brings another delicious meal.

When I opened the door, it was Harry and Liam. I opened it widely so they can come in.

"Hi guys!" I greeted.

"Uh... Chase, you got something here," Harry said, gesturing somewhere close to his mouth.

I wiped my mouth with my hands. That was embarrassing. "It's chocolate cake," I explained. I also wiped my teeth when they weren't looking.

"So, You guys okay?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. We might need to buy food but we're okay," I said, Harry nodding in agreement.

"Oh, before I forgot." He handed me a paper bag, "It's your wallets and other stuff."

I opened the paper bag, two ziplock bags were in it. I handed Harry his ziplock bag, containing his keys, wallet, and phone.

"Your parents talked with the bank and they fixed up the pins 'cause you probably forgot them too. I bet it's in there," he said, chuckling, "I need to go. We'll see you guys soon, we're bringing Niall with us next time."

I opened the door for him, suddenly remembering how he did the same when I brought a drunk Harry back to his dorm, "Hey Liam, remember that time when we carried Harry back to your dorm room?"

He smiled, "Yeah, that was quite an interesting day, wasn't it?" He looked at me weirdly, "Oi! You remembered something again! That's great."

"Yeah, weird thing was that I actually dreamed about it." I said

"Have more dreams like that and you'll start to remember in no time," He waved, "I'll see you guys soon."

I closed the door but Harry was gone. I walked to the kitchen, to find him eating my cake.

I got myself another fork since he was using mine, "Good, right?" I sat beside him and started eating again.

He took a big bite, "Where'd you get this? We need more of this."

Yes we do, I thought, "Actually, our neighbor just gave it to me."

"Can you cook?" He asks.

I scratch the back of my head, "I can cook like, eggs, and toast, and stuff," although sometimes, they aren't really edible, I thought. "I don't know whether I learned how to do a proper meal this past eight years."

"You wanna eat out tonight then? We passed this diner on the way here. Liam said it's actually good."

I laugh nervously, "Okay."

I need to learn how to cook ASAP. I mean, it's okay to eat out sometimes, right? But we can't possibly do that everyday. Maybe Sophia can teach me...


After getting lost twice, we finally managed to find the diner by backtracking at the hospital since it was the only way Harry could remember it.

My worst fears were confirmed when the waitress asked 'Do you guys want the usual?' We probably ate here too much to have a usual but I wouldn't argue further because my 'usual' was really good. It was a grilled cheese sandwich with a vanilla milkshake.

Harry's usual was a BLT burger and it looked good I swear next time, I will have that.

We didn't talk but we were okay. I had no idea what to say anyway despite me being chatty sometimes. I couldn't ask him what his life or childhood was like since he forgot about it.

We went home afterwards, getting lost once but we still managed to find the house. It was a typical modern–day house in the suburbs. It was nice, not too big and not too small with three bedrooms and all of them have en-suite bathrooms.

For a moment, I sounded like a realty agent there. Whatever.

I was actually stunned to see that we have a walk–in closet in our room and half of it was mine—okay, maybe Harry's clothes only covered one-fourth of it and the rest was mine. I found myself a pair of pajamas and a big shirt.

"Harry?" I called, closing the bathroom door behind me.

"Here," He was in the spare room fixing up the bed.

I stood on the doorway, "What on earth are you doing?"

"I'm sleeping here."

"Harry, You realize that we can both sleep in the bed at the other room and not even touch each other. It's big enough. We can just make a border out of pillows or something."

It was true, the bed was big enough for five people. Also I was actually afraid of sleeping alone. The house still feels foreign to me. Hmm, Harry's a stranger to me too but he's the best I have.

He stopped fixing the bed, "Yeah, you're right." He grabbed the pillows, "Cmon."

We made a line in the middle with the pillows—there were lots of pillows, thank goodness.

"I'll sleep on the right side if you don't mind," I said. I didn't wait for an answer I just flopped down the bed. Mmm... So soft. I grabbed a pillow and cuddled it and before I know it, I was asleep.


Hope this chapter didn't bore you as much as it bored me...

Just kidding. I'm just trying to build up the story, hope you're still with me.

Next chapter should be interesting though but that's for the next update ;)

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