Chapter 3

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It feels like all I've been doing for the past two days is pass out. The doctor says that it was only because my head is trying to recover from the trauma of the crash.

The only improvement was that they finally got me out of my room. They got me to walk ever so slowly because my hips feel like falling apart every time I take a step. Pops thinks it's because of the accident that I actually remember. Apparently, I bruised my hip then. His theory doesn't really makes sense.

I was walking around the hospital, practicing not to wince every step which is improving because I only wince every three steps now, making me clutch the IV pole so hard, I could snap it in half.

I looked at the wall clock at the nearest nurse station. I still had about twenty minutes left of walking as they are currently cleaning my room, and the scent of their cleansers makes me feel a bit lightheaded

The door on my right suddenly opened making me jump. A woman was standing there, staring at me.

"Uhm... Can I help you?" I asked.

She stepped forward, "Chase! Oh, nice to see you again. You okay now?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Uh... I'm okay. Who are you again? See I had a bit of a mem—"

"Oh, yes. Robert did told me. I'm Anne. Weird to say but I'm you mother-in-law. They did say you have a husband, right?" She asks, touching her lips as if she was afraid she said something wrong.

Oh God. Of course I also have in-laws. What if I hated them when I still knew them? Nothing better than to start anew, I suppose.

"Yeah, they did," I eyed the door at her back, "So I'm assuming that's his room?"


My mind was suddenly tingling with curiosity. What did he look like? What did he sound like? What was he like? My Dad did tell me that he also has amnesia but apparently, his amnesia was a long term one. They didn't even told me the stuff I wanted to know like: what happened at our wedding or what our house looks like. No, it was all 'Oh, your husband has amnesia too. Ha ha.' Not that I didn't care about his well-being...

I bit my lip but I was never good a restraining myself, "Can I see him?"

Anne looked uncomfortable, tugging slightly at the hem of her shirt, "Oh I'm sorry, Chase. I'm afraid it's been a bad day for him. We finally got to the point where we told him he was married. He's still in shock. I left to give him a bit of space."

I nodded. I can imagine the shock one can get after not remembering anything then suddenly, everyone would tell them that they were married. Been there, done that.

She stepped closer and grabbed my arm in a friendly manner, "I'll let you see him when he's in a good mood. I'll see you around."

She walked away to who knows where, leaving me all alone again.

I admit, I was a bit disappointed but I'm feeling a bit mischievous so I stepped closer to the door, trying to sneak a peak on the small window but all I can see from this point is his bedside table and an arm with tattoos.

I sigh in exasperation, "Oh! this is just stupid."

I grabbed the door but as I was about to turn it my nurse, Delia saw me.

Delia was a woman in her 40's. She's one of the nurse's that I actually like, the others can't be even bothered to chat.

She jogged right beside me and looked at my IV, "What have you been up to now?" She took a glance at the door and gave me a small 'tsk', "Not today, maybe some other time."

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