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I knew something was up even before I got the message. Maybe that's why when I received a text from an unknown number, I didn't wonder what it meant. I just knew it was about him.

I kept rereading it even if I memorized it already.

He's at Washington Park right now. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. X

I had no idea where. This park is two acres big. And with the trees all around, he could be anywhere.

I was starting to see the man-made lake ahead of me when I saw him, sitting on a bench, his arms wrapped around another woman.

He whispered something in her ear. She threw her head back in laughter.

I hid behind a tree, about five meters from them. He hasn't seen me yet.

Slowly, their lips met. My breath hitched. I clutched my shoulder bag tighter before stepping out of the tree, I wonder how long will it take for him to notice me...

They stopped. She giggled as he smiled at her, showing off his dimples. I'm sure she finds them as charming as I did.

She looked behind, where I was standing a few feet away. She was still smiling brightly when she spoke. "Can I help you?"

He looked back at me. Within a flash, his face turned to an expression of disbelief.

I crossed my arms across my chest. I was still looking at him, but he can't seem to look back at me. "No," I said with a sinister smile plastered on my face, "But I'm sure my husband can."

Well, the story picks up after a few chapters so bear with me. And feedback would be highly appreciated as this is my first story I'd post and I'm not really 100% confident about my writing.

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