Chapter 4

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September 2008

Biking was something I'd usually do just to get away from the university. Don't get me wrong, It's only been three weeks since it started and I love college so far, but if don't get away from it from time to time then I'll probably rip my hair out by the end of first semster.

I went to the grocery store and bought my hygienic needs. I was about to cross the street on my bike when a black pick-up truck came rushing on my left side, just stopping a few inches away from me. Being clumsy, I lost my balance and fell.

"Ow!" I hiss, grabbing my bleeding elbow. I immediately stood up and opened the driver's door, "What the—Ooh."

The guy was slumped back on the steering wheel, snoring lightly. I remember seeing him out the door of my Intro to Psychology class once, where he was waiting for Liam, the guy who sits beside me. The stench of alcohol was unmistakable. I helped him sit up right but his head just lolled at one side.

I tried slapping him hard. Nothing happened. I went to my bike and got the bottled water I bought that was in the basket. I splashed him with the cold water, finally getting a response.

"Get off me," he mumbled, his eyes weren't even opening.

I slapped him once again.That did the trick.

"What the fck, man? Stop slapping me," He tried swatting my hand but he just hit the steering wheel, "Ow!"

"You almost hit me with your vehicle!"

He lolled his head to where I was standing, his eyes were barely open, "So?"

"Was that not enough reason for you?" I yelled. Like he cares... He's too drunk and I had no idea how he managed to drive up to here. I pulled my bike of the ground and carried it to the back of his truck. Thankfully, my bike was just light. I slapped him again. It seems like the only way to keep him awake, "Can you move to the passenger's seat? I'm driving you home. Where do you live?"

He just leaned towards the passengers seat, fell and just laid there, not moving anywhere.

I roll my eyes. Do I have to do everything? Why was I even helping him? I don't know but I'll probably feel bad if I just leave him here.

So I went to the passenger's side, opened the door, pulled him and helped him sit right up before slamming the door. Sounds easy but it isn't. It was hard pulling someone when they're A, heavier than you, B, taller than you, and C, passed out cold.

When I finally managed all that, I sat at the driver's side and closed the door. Now, where did he live?

I tried looking around for a notebook, wallet or something but believe it or not, his truck was actually spotless. I eyed his pockets. Oh God, no! I looked through his dashboard. Also nothing so I had no other choice.

If you ever wondered what it felt like to put your hands in a stranger's pocket then I am here to tell you that it was weird. All I kept thinking was 'Don't touch the thing. Avoid the thing. Can you feel the thing from here? No! Steer away from the thing."

I kept repeating that in my head until I finally found his wallet which was in the back pocket. So much effort for going through the front pockets when it's just in the back. Anyway, it was still weird.

I found his student ID and good thing I knew where his dorm was because it was actually one of my other choices when I was picking. Each room had space for three people instead of two but if you didn't know anyone to accompany you there you shouldn't pick it 'cause it no fun putting up with two strangers. I was lucky my roommate wasn't rude, born with two heads, or anything.

We drove in silence, the only sound aside from the truck itself was Harry's—according to the ID—snoring which was getting louder and louder by the second.

I parked the truck in front of the building. There was no way I could carry him from here to his room which was on the second floor.

I went out to search for his room. I just hope that someone was in there right now, as it is a Saturday and most people usually go to parties—I assume Harry was a partygoer who simply got drunk at three in the afternoon.

I knocked on their door for a minute before it finally opened. It was Liam and it looks like he's been sleeping through the Saturday.

He scratched the back of his head, "Oh... Chase, Hi?"

"Hi. This is where Harry lives too, yeah?" I asked, just to make sure.

"Mhm, but he's not here at the moment."

"No, actually He almost hit me with his truck around the grocery store and I just drove him here. He's downstairs, passed out on the passenger's seat," I explained.

He nodded and left their door open then followed me to the truck without another question. Harry was leaning on the door so when we opened it, he almost fell but Liam caught him in time.

"Here, I'll help," I offered, putting Harry's arm around my shoulder and grabbed his hand to keep him in place. It felt warm and soft and—

Never mind that. Liam also did the same and we managed to get him up to the second floor in a total of ten minutes. It was a hard job considering he was taller than the both of us and the fact that his feet were barely moving wasn't much help either.

After a lot of sweat and grunting from Liam and I, We got into their room which was neat and tidy despite the three boys living in it. There was a bunk bed and one single bed, a dining-turned-to-study table and a telly on the corner. And the good thing about their room was that it has AC. No wonder Liam sleeps in on Saturdays because if our room had one too then I'd sleep at every chance I'd get.

"I guess he can have Niall's bed for today. I don't think we can put him in his own bed," He said, gesturing to the top bunk of the double deck.

He slumped Harry in the bed and turned up their air conditioner.

"I wonder where he went. He doesn't usually drink so seeing him like this is quite a shock," Liam mumbled.

"So you guys are like... close?"

"Yeah, we're all best friends here since high school."

I nodded, "We'll I gotta keep going now, I'll see you in class."

Liam opened the door for me, "Yeah, I'll tell him what happened. I don't really know what's got into him. Maybe—" he cut himself off, "I'll see you in class. Thanks, Chase"

I went downstairs, picked my bike up from the back of his pick–up and went straight back to my dorm with an interesting story for Sophia.


Hi! First flashback chapter and I hope you enjoyed that.

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