Chapter 13

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We went to Target the day before our trip as we discovered that in the whole of our house, we don't own anything in travel size. Everything was either too big or empty.

"What do we need?" Asked Harry as he surveyed the whole store by the door.

I rolled my eyes, "You were the one who wanted to go here."

He pulled out a list from his pocket, "Hmm... Can you get a cart? A big one."

"What on earth are you planning to buy?" I asked. I didn't wait for him to reply. I went to the carts and pulled a big one. It wouldn't budge. I tried harder, still not moving. "Uh... Harry, a little help would be nice," I called out. I gave it a great tug. It finally came out, making me loose my balance. Harry came just in time to save my butt from hitting the floor.

"Fucking cart," I mumbled as I got up to my feet, which stung the moment I stood up. "Ow," I hissed.

There was a deep gash in my right foot between my big toe which was bleeding bad. I'm starting to regret why I didn't wore some sneakers or anything that wasn't open.

I held onto Harry's shoulder for support and removed my right flip-flop, "C'mon, I'm walking like this."

"No, you'll get blood all over the floor," He held both his arms out, "C'mon, I'll get you to the cart."

I snorted, "No, that's not gonna happen."

"Come on, Chase. We'll get you band-aids," He picked me up bridal-style, "You can have the one with the monkeys if you want."

I screeched but on the inside, I wasn't complaining. I loved riding in grocery carts when I was a kid. I was bummed when I got too big and a manager approached us to tell my Dad that I couldn't do that anymore. Here, no manager was complaining. Even if someone did, I could just show them my feet.

I had to fold my knees a bit-not really-just so I could fit. Harry pushed our cart to the hair care aisle.

"What shampoo are we buying?" He asked with utter seriousness on his face.

I laughed, "Seriously, Harry? Just get one that says 'Shampoo' and move on with it."

"No, but do you need anti-dandruff or something to help with the frizz?"

"You think my hair is frizzy?" I asked, putting my hand on my heart. He just can't be serious with this.

He kept shaking his head, "No-I didn't mean-"

I doubled in laughter, tears were starting to fill my eyes, "Are we seriously having a conversation about this right now? Just get a small one and move on."

He rolled his eyes, "Piss off, Chase." He grabbed a travel-sized one that claims to make your hair shiny.

It was the same thing with the conditioners. He was thinking if he wanted one that made your hair sleek or damage free.

"Christ, Harry! I thought girls were supposed to be the picky ones when it come to these stuff," I pointed out to him.

"Yeah, but you're not picky and if you're not picky, one of us has to be picky," He fired back.

"Fine! Stop with the 'picky'," I rolled my eyes, "You're worse than my father."

"I'm taking that as a compliment," He said, pushing us out of the hair care aisle and onto the body one, "Now, what type of body wash do we need? Do we need something for dry skin or something for itchiness?"


When we turned to our street, we immediately saw an unfamiliar car on our driveway.

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