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Vampires, werewolves, hybrids and witches. They all existed believe it or not but in this world of 7 billion people of course I had to be human. Out of all the possibilities I was human, the different, extraordinary forms I could have taken but I was the most ordinary out of all. Of course most people are born human and in fact I could turn into a vampire at any point in my lifetime but my beloved friends treat my life as if it was sacred. 

Maybe it was but I'm just plain old Angelina. I'm not a Bennett Witch or a Petrova Doppelgänger or an Original Hybrid. I was Angelina Knight born in San Diego moved to Mystic Falls at 11. Nothing more than that, except the fact I had few human friends, and of course with those supernatural friends brings trouble and trouble brings danger. Especially when you're just a puny human like me, you tend to get used for leverage a lot.

"Angelina!" Damon's voice rang out from downstairs of my house, my mother and father loved Damon for some strange reason despite him being eight years older than me.

"Go away Damon!" I shouted back down as I towel dried my hair, tightening my towel knowing that Damon would be up here in no matter than ten seconds. My assumptions were right when he appeared in my doorway smirking at my lack of clothing. "Get out of here you creep." I groaned, tying my hair up in a quick pony tail since I couldn't be bothered drying it.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before Lina, calm down." He threw himself on to my bed taking a bite of the apple on my bedside table. "Thanks for eating my lunch, and it doesn't matter Damon. I value my privacy now get out of here whilst I get changed." I shooed him out opening my bedroom trying to get him to leave. He rolled his eyes and sauntered out of my room leaving me to myself. I put on some underwear and a bra then throwing on an old hoodie with some leggings.

"Ok you can come back in!" I shouted to the vampire but there was no reply. No movement. Nothing. "Damon?" I poked my head out of the door but he wasn't there. I crept down the hall feeling a sense of uncertainty in the pit of my stomach. I heard various crashes and bangs downstairs, I slid down the hall with my socks and practically threw myself downstairs to see what the commotion was. I was met with Damon holding a vampire by the neck.

"What do you want?" He growled at the vampire he had held against my living room wall. "We want Angelina." The vampire hissed back, attempting to get away from Damon's iron tight grip. "Angelina? Who's we?" Damon demanded, making his grip tighter if that was even possible.

"I would rather die than tell you." He spat. Damon ripped out his heart and let his body slump against his wall not caring whether he got blood on my mothers Lilies.

"Damon! He had information! Someone's out to get me we could have got it out of hi- wait where are my parents Damon?" I panicked looking around to hopefully not see the remains of my beloved parents somewhere.

"Relax Lina, I compelled them to get out of here and to forget this ever happened. I think they're going to New York now for a weekend. Plus I had to kill him, your naive mother invited him in." Damon grinned plonking himself down on my couch despite a dead vampire sitting slumped against the wall bleeding all over my linoleum floor.

"Someone's out to get me Damon, but what would they want with me if I'm just some human?" I whined, playing with a lose thread on my leggings. Normally trouble and danger excited me but the fact they're coming into my house and want me instead of Elena. Oh how the tables have turned.

"Don't say that Angelina, you're not just some human okay? You're more extraordinary than any of us, you know most of us would die to be human, not me obviously, I value you your human life more than you do so I will not let this person who wants you get to you, okay?" Damon finished his speech with sincerity. Being under the protection of the Salvatore brothers felt safe but was it safe enough from the unknown out to get me?

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