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Dani California


My vision was blurry but I could make out some voices, everything seemed so blurry and hard to make out. I was restricted but I had no idea how. I was in and out of consciousness, I had no idea where I was but I wasn't panicking. I was sedated.

"She's waking up. Lance we can't do this, she's just a girl." It was the girl who was at the door before but I couldn't see her. I forced open my eyes properly, I looked around with panicked eyes. I looked down at my restricted body and shrieked. I was still wearing the magical bracelet what stopped my from doing magic.

"What have you done to me?" I demanded, both their eyes directed towards me. The girl looked guilty but Lance looked emotionless.

"Nobody said you could speak, girl." He raised his hand and slapped me across the face with the back of hands. I hissed in pain at the stinging sensation I could feel on my cheek. Tears prickled in my eyes as I stared back at the man who held no remorse.

"Lance, don't hurt her. Please, just leave her be." The girl begged, holding onto Lance's arm with tears in her eyes. They were a scruffy pair, Lance was tall with raggedy clothes as if he had been homeless. His beard was uneven and scruffy, his voice was hoarse and gruff. If you saw him in a dark alley at night you would most certainly run for you life. The girl however wore a simple jade dress which was covered in dirty marks and tears, her long auburn hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. Her cheekbones were prominent, but it was as if she hadn't eaten for days or even weeks. Her green eyes were beautiful but yet held such a past, such a sad and dreadful past that you could see even at first glance.

"God dammit, Irena. The amártisan witches want her dead anyway, they can take away the curse. They can save our family. I'm doing this for us." He clutched her temples, looking deep into her eyes. Her lip trembled slightly as if she was going to cry but she slowly nodded. 

"I'm going to go find some witches who know how to contact them. Watch her while I'm gone." He demanded before taking off leaving us in the strange warehouse. I would have felt sorry for them both he hadn't just backhanded me.

"I truly am sorry, Angelina. I don't want to do this, but I have to save my family." She said again but I still didn't understand what she meant by saving her family.

"My brother, Albert. He broke the heart of a daughter from a very powerful coven of witches. She was so furious that she cursed the family and anyone who married into it a life of bad luck. We have no jobs, no money or home. We're starving and I just want to live my life with the love of my life. I want to grow old and have children, I want to be married and I want to have my dream job and I want to go to college. We have to do this, surely you must understand. The only witches who are powerful enough to remove the curse are the amártisan witches and there is nothing they want more than you." She explained, my eyes softened at the girl crouched in front of me.

"Please let me go, Irena. I can find you a coven who can remove the curse. Just don't do this, please. I'm begging you." I pleaded with tears in my eyes but yet not wanting to show any signs of weakness.

"As much as I want to believe your promise, I cannot risk this. Lance will never forgive me and I love him too much to do that. He's married into this curse and I don't want him to suffer with it anymore." She exasperated but I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying. All I could think about was how much I wanted Kol here. How much I wanted him to come rescue me, I was pleading to anyone to help Kol find his way here. I couldn't even protect myself from magic because I had no magic to put a protection bubble over me.

"Irena. I'm begging you to let me go." I pleaded one final time, her eyes softened which gave me a glimmer of hope but she made no move to untie me from the restrictions. I was tied down to a table with a belt restriction going over my legs, my stomach and my shoulders. My hands and feet were also tied down with a belt restriction.

"Angelina, I would, I really would but I can't." She whispered with tears in her eyes once again. "Yes you can, you can do anything. I won't let anyone lay a finger on you if you just let me go. I will do everything to help you, I promise." I promised, she nodded reluctantly before slowly coming over and untying the belts on my body. I sighed in relief feeling the pressure leave my body. My hands went straight to the bracelet trying to pull it off but it was on tight. Irena snatched my hand, sending me a warning look.

"I can't let you do that, Angelina." She warned before letting go of my hand. I sent her a wary look before wandering to the end of the warehouse only to bump into another body. 

"Irena! You let her go!" Lance bellowed, grabbing me by my hair and dragging me back to the table I was tied down to. I shrieked out in pain as he yanked me to where Irena was cowering away. With his free hand, he grabbed Irena's head before smashing it onto the table where she was knocked out cold.

"I'll teach you for poisoning my wife's mind with your empty promises." He threatened with his eyes glowing amber like Klaus' does when he's livid. He pushed me to the ground, his stocky figure towering over me. He swung back his leg, kicking me in the ribs with his heavy black boots. I groaned in pain as he lifted me up by my vest swinging his fist to my face repeatedly. I cried out in pain as he kept swinging his fist to my jaw or anywhere on my face he could get to. My lip was bust open and my nose trickled with a warm substance. I was thrown back to the floor with a shove, my head smacking the concrete floor. My face squashed against the cold hard floor. 

"Kol. Please help me." I whimpered but no one was coming, no one was going to save me. No one could even find me with this cloaking spell on. My cries were muffled by the floor but Lance didn't care, he just left me bleeding on the floor. He didn't even care that he had just beaten a girl to pulp. With one final kick to my ribs, he yanked my body up before roughly laying me back down on the table.

"Why are you doing this?" My voice was hoarse from crying and screaming, I would have shouted at him if I could.

"Better you die than I." Was all he said before he pushed my head back down on the table before tying the restrictions back. My whole body ached but all I could think about was Kol and how much I really wanted him to come find me. A prick could be felt in my neck and slowly I could see black spots. My body relaxed as my eyes slowly fluttered shut and for the second time today, everything fell black. Something I had grown too accustomed to.

wow 2 updates in one day, shoot me 

anyway i've just wrote the last chapter and omg wow it's just

but yeah vote and comment and stuff bc the end is kinda near :c like I'll write an epilogue and stuff but I didn't want to make it ridiculously long like 200 chapters and i like the number i chose so yeah okay and now i'm rambling 


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