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Girls Talk Boys


Night One

"Damon?" I called out to him as I saw him stood there talking to a girl. We were all dressed in 1800s American Fashion outfits and horseback and carriages were riding around the streets of what I assumed to be Mystic Falls in the 1800s.

Damon swiftly turned around to the sound of his name and his eyes met mine. "Angelina? What are you doing in my dream? How is this possible?" Questions rolled off his tongue one after another but I did not answer any of them.

"What did you do to me? I can't wake up Damon. I'm scared." Tears threatened to spill as I looked around my surroundings not seeing any familiar faces. "I've just sent you into a sleep for awhile Angie. I promise you, you're okay. I'm sorry, I'm just trying to keep you safe." He soothed me as he took me into an embrace as I sobbed into his shoulder.

"It's so lonely and cold, I can only talk to you in your dreams and your daydreams Damon, other than that I'm alone." My shaky voice was muffled by the padding in his shoulder. "We're linked thats why, I put you in that sleep so I'm responsible for you." He patted my back, whispering soothingly into my ear.

"Please wake me up Damon, I'm going insane. It's so dark." I pleaded, clutching onto his warm hands. I was so used to Damon being cold but he was warm as if he was human. As if he could read my thoughts he answered the questions running through my mind.

"Yes I'm human, we're in 1864 before I turned into a vampire. That's Stefan over there talking to Katherine. A girl turned around who looked exactly like Elena, I gasped at their similarities, they were the same person." Then all the times I had heard Katherine's name, I put two and two together. Elena was a doppelgänger.

Damon began to fade away and so did 1864 Mystic Falls.

"Damon please don't wake up. Please don't leave me alone!" I shrieked but everyone faded away and I was left alone in the darkness once again.


Night Five

"Damon, I hate it here. Do you know how much it hurts every time you wake up. It feels like I'm being ripped into another dimension." I whined, we were in Mystic Falls, 1864 once again. Damon seemed to dream of being human a lot, as if his subconscious was screaming at him about wanting to be human again.

"That's because you are, everyone thinks you've gone away with your parents." Damon announced, I turned to face him with a glare. "You're telling me that, no one knows that I'm downstairs in the basement in a casket?" I raised my voice at Damon. He's keeping me in a casket in the basement whilst everyone thinks I'm in New York.

"Well what do you want me to tell them? Sorry I've given Angelina a potion where she sleeps until I tell her to wake up? I'm doing this for you Angie." He said with his famous grin, I rolled my eyes. I was fuming, I felt like some dirty secret. "I don't know but don't treat me like some cargo Damon. Please wake me up." I begged for the 1000th time.

"No." He replied, turning around not looking at me in the eyes. "Damon, I promise I won't do anything stupid. Just wake me up, you don't understand the torture it is. I'm so alone." I whined again.

"Why do you keep dreaming about Mystic Falls in 1864?" I look around my surroundings. I had seen Stefan and Katherine a lot these past five nights, Stefan looked so young, free and human.

"Because this was an important year for Stefan and I. Not one easily forgotten, plus I like it here, it's my home, my time, my century." He smiled. He lay back soaking up the summer sun, Damon never wants to be human again but I know a small part of him misses it. Not a lot but he does.

"I sometimes think, is being human worth it? Is it fulfilling? But life of immortality is that worth it? It's like I'm stuck in the middle, torn between human and vampire." I babbled, not really understanding what I'm saying.

"It would taint your pure soul Angelina, stay human. It's who you are." He opened his eyes and turned to face me. "But you were human once Damon too, isn't that who you are?" I raised an eyebrow, playing with the rim of my very big dress. I was growing to love the fashion of 1864.

"Being a vampire is what makes me, me. Could you imagine me as anything else, Angie? Yes, I was once human but my fate was always to be a vampire." He closed his eyes once again letting out a loud sigh. I lied onto my back, closing my eyes trying to avoid the bright rays of the sun. Of course they didn't have sunglasses in these days.

I felt the familiar tug on my body, it feels like I'm being torn apart into little particles. "Damon, you're waking up." I sighed, mentally preparing myself for the immense pain I was about to feel, it was horrific. "I know Angie, I'll see you tonight." I opened my eyes to see him fading away and my body turning into little stars.


Night Nine

For the past four days I've been trying to get in someone else's dream but each time I've ended up in Damon's. He doesn't know I've been trying to get into someone else's dream because then he'd be devastated that I've tried to get someone to wake me up. Tonight I was to try again, I assume they have to think about me to get in their dreams so I'm trying Tyler since I know he's had a crush on me since 8th grade.

The familiar pain took over as I was ripped into another dimension, I wasn't in Mystic Falls in 1864. I was in the Lockwood Dungeon in the middle of the woods. It worked, I was in Tyler's dream I assumed. "Angelina?" Tyler turned around to face me, furrowing his eyebrows as he did so.

"Tyler! You have to help me, Damon gave me this potion where I'll stay asleep until he wakes me, I'm not in New York. I'm in the basement of the Salvatore Boarding House in one of the rooms in a casket. You have to tell everyone so they can get me out and get Damon to wake me." I spoke all in one go whilst Tyler eyed me up funnily.

"What? You're in the basement of the Salvatore Boarding House in a casket? How are you in my dream?" Tyler rubbed his face in frustration as he was not understanding a word I was saying. "I've learnt how to dream jump, I'm going to attempt to get in Stefan's okay? Wake up now Tyler and go get me whilst I wake up Stefan!" I felt the familiar pain of being moved, either I was going to Stefan's dream or Tyler was waking up. I fell into a void and landed onto grass of Elena's backyard. I was either in Elena's dream or Stefan's. I picked myself up and ran onto the patio of Elena's backyard throwing open her backdoor looking for someone I knew. Stefan and Caroline were sat on the sofa holding hands and smiling. I was in too much of a panic to question why Stefan was dreaming of this.

"Stefan!" I shouted, Stefan hurled himself away from Caroline and turned around swiftly to face me on the sofa. Caroline faded away and Stefan's mouth hung agape.

"Angelina? Wh-Why are you in my dream?" He had the same facial expression as Tyler did when I was in his dream. Furrowed eyebrows and his mouth agape. "I'm dream jumping, long story. You need to wake up and go talk to Tyler who is on the way. He'll explain but whatever you do. Do not wake Damon until I say so. Wake up and go to the basement and wait for Tyler." The pain itched in the pit of my stomach once again as Stefan began to wake up and I was being ripped apart into tiny stars. I landed into Mystic Falls in 1864 once again where Damon was sat alone against a tree.

"Damon!" I shouted and waved acting as if nothing was wrong. He scrunched his face at me, wondering why I was so late.

"Where have you been?" He asked, crossing his arms. Suspicious of something. "What are you talking about? I've been waiting for you to sleep." I smiled, acting as if nothing was wrong but in truth I had been coming up with a master plan to wake up. Everything began to fade and the pain burned inside of me.

"Damon? Why are you waking up?" I raised an eyebrow, clutching onto his arm but my hand just fell right through as if he was a ghost. "Damon! No! Don't leave me, please." I begged of him, he will ruin my plan if he wakes up and sees Tyler and Stefan trying to get to my casket.

"Goodbye Angelina." And I fell into the black void once again.

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