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Smells Like Teen Spirit


"Angelina Evelyn Knight!" I hear my brothers obnoxious voice call from downstairs of the Salvatore house on this welcoming Saturday morning. I rolled my eyes and turned over in the four post king sized bed. He sped up the stairs and flung open my door but I didn't dare turn around.

"Angelina! Get up." I jumped onto my bed in attempt of making me get up. "Jacob get off me!" I squealed using my foot to push him off my bed, he didn't budge. Sometimes I forget that once my brother was human, captain of the football team, had a scholarship for an amazing college but then his life was ripped away from him when he became a vampire. I don't resent Damon for it because Damon saved his life.


6 Months Ago

"Somebody help me! He's dying," I cried and screamed as I held my brother's dying body in my hands begging for help but no one was coming. Blood poured out of his neck as a creature of the night sucked his soul from his neck and all I did was watch. "Help!" I clutching his neck trying to stop the bleeding but it just poured and poured until he was as good as gone. A black figure rushed over with the same face as the creature ready for round two.

"No please! Help us." I pleaded, looking into the man's eyes. His eyes widened then groaned when he bit into his wrist and let his blood drip into Jacob's agape mouth then Jacob was gone. I screamed, wailed and cried clutching to his dead body.

"He's not dead." His gruff voice declared. He wasn't dead? His heart was not beating, he had no pulse I was pretty sure that my brother indeed was dead. "He's in transition, he'll wake up soon enough. I'm Damon, we need to get him back to mine if he wants to survive what's he's going to walk into." He demanded, scooping my brother up.

"How do I know you won't just kill me like that other creature just tried to kill Jacob. I know that you're not human, what do you mean in transition? What's he walking into?" Many questions circled around in my mind and they all pooled out of my mouth.

"He's going to become a vampire, I'm sorry it's the only way I could save him. If I took him to the hospital he wouldn't have made it, he was dying. I tried to heal him with my blood but he was seconds from death so he died with my blood in him. He's in transition." Damon explained as we walked down the dark streets of Mystic Falls with my dead brother.

"In transition? What does he have to do to become a v-vampire?" I couldn't deny that I wasn't scared but for some reason I trusted Damon, he would have killed Jacob if he wanted to but he saved him and didn't kill me either so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and let him help Jacob.

"He has to drink human blood." He bluntly replied and carried on walking up a path towards the boarding house where Jacob's future was to be decided.


"So little sister, Damon tells me you're in a pickle with Niklaus Mikaelson." Jacob sits on my floor as I sit up in bed to listen to him say whatever he wanted to say. "Apparently, I don't know if it's even Klaus but Damon said he'll call Elijah or whatever." I shrugged my shoulders, climbing out of bed and heading over to my wardrobe.

"How long are you in town for?" I asked casually as I searched through my wardrobe, I miss Jakob but he left Mystic Falls because he got out of control, he couldn't control his blood lust around me or our parents sometimes so had to leave for the greater good.

"As long as I can, I could stay for good now since I've got everything under control now Ange but you'll never believe it but I've met someone, she's a vampire like me but she's like a thousand years old and I'm like 20 years old but that's okay because she's so hot." He bragged showing me pictures of her on his phone she was pretty indeed.

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