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Under The Bridge


"Bonnie, I need you to do me a favour but you cannot tell anyone." Bonnie was acting strange ever since she got that vision from me and was sworn to secrecy not to tell anyone what she saw apparently.

"That doesn't sound good Angelina." She whispered so no one could hear us, I had no idea who was following me whether it was Stefan, Damon or Klaus. "Look it's not a big deal, I just need you to contact someone." I whispered.

"Who?" She raised an eyebrow, intrigued of what I was about to ask her. It was a stupid idea but Damon and Bonnie wasn't telling me something so I'll have to find someone to ask myself. I'm taking matters into my own hands.

"Elijah Mikaelson. Listen before you freak out, I know you know the spell and I have what you need." I pleaded, emptying what I have inside the bag. "I don't know Angie, I don't want to be involved in yours and Damon's arguments." Ever since the box turned up at the boarding house, Damon and I have had countless arguments about my impending death.

"What he doesn't know, will not hurt him." I persuaded, swinging my bag over my shoulder pulling out one of Elijah's ties and my letter to him, including the note. "Fine, but if anyone asks. I did not do this for you, are we clear?" She demanded.

"Not here Angie. Let's go back to mine." She put my stuff back into my bag picking it up and gesturing me to follow her back to her house. She swung open her door, checking if anyone was here before slamming it shut and double locking it behind her. She stumbled up the stairs as I followed her into her room where she emptied my bag onto the floor and grabbed her grimoire off the bed. I handed her Elijah's tie, don't even ask how I got it. She set it on fire with the candle sat in front of her whilst muttering latin words under her breath. She then picked up my letter and the note, lights began to flicker in the room and the lampshade began to swing and flicker as her chants got louder. The note and letter set ablaze and disappeared in thin air.

"Is it done?" I asked, trying to find the ashes of the letter but it just disappeared into thin air. I loved watching Bonnie do magic. "I guess so, we'll have to wait to see if he turns up. What do you write in the letter?" She asked whilst tidying up the mess she made doing the spell.

"Nothing of any significance, I'm just praying to the Gods that Damon does not find out I contacted a Mikaelson otherwise he'll release Hell on Earth," I joked but it was true. Damon has kept me on a tight leash lately after the note, the thought of not knowing what it said has drove him to insanity and feels the need to keep me safe.

"Well too late, I just did." Damon stood at Bonnie's bedroom door with a sad glint to his eyes, either because we betrayed him or because we just joked about him finding out when he knew all along.

"I was at the grill when I heard you discussing something privately, I followed you here and now you went behind my back Bonnie when I told you not to." He calmly said but inside I knew he was enraged. "And you, Angelina, you've just put yourself in immense danger when I've tried to keep you safe for all these months." He remarked, sighing as he did so

"I know what I'm doing Damon, I'm not a child." I declared, looking down at my lap not wanting to meet Damon's disappointed eyes. "No you don't Angelina, you don't know what you're doing. You're just a human, you don't seem to get this through your thick skull. Your life is so precious, it would be so easy just to end it." He sped over pouring some liquid into my mouth as I squirmed under his grip and a slumber took over me.


"What have you done?" Bonnie screamed at me as I held Angelina's limp body in my arms. "She's not dead Bonbon, she's just sleeping for awhile so she doesn't do anything stupid." I answered simply ready to leave.

"When will she wake up? Where did you get that potion from?" She questioned, narrowing her eyes down at me. "From a witch, somewhere. She'll wake up in a few days or weeks, I don't know I can't remember." I played it off. I knew full well when Angelina would wake up, she would wake up when I said the words "expergiscimini, puella crocus" but I had to keep her safe for now.

I walked out of Bonnie's house to go through the woods back to the boarding house where I set up a place for where she cannot be harmed. I placed her in a casket in the basement of the house where no one would suspect where I'm keeping her. I placed a bunch of Saffron flowers into her hands because I knew they were her favourite flower. Shutting the casket tightly, I locked the door behind me. No one must know what I've done to Angelina. I jogged back up the steps where Stefan and Elena were sat deep in conversation. I rolled my eyes at their close proximity before Stefan eyed me up suspiciously.

"Where is Angelina?" He asked straight noticing her absence. "I don't know Stefan, I'm not her Dad." I rolled my eyes. "Well you're always with her, I just assumed you'd know where she is." He stated, I scoffed at this statement.

"Well I don't, you assumed wrong." I snapped before heading out the door to find whatever troubles Elijah Mikaelson will bring to Mystic Falls.

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