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Undone - The Sweater Song


Everyone was set to return today from the camping trip and Jacob, Damon and I were yet to leave our rooms after not talking to each other after the party which was nearly two days ago.

"Angelina, please leave your room." Stefan complained from the other side of my door. All I wanted to do was go home and sit with my parents and Jacob while we eat our Mom's famous burritos but no I'm hiding in a boarding house from an unknown enemy waiting for my impending doom.

"No, Stefan! Leave me alone," I sounded like a spoilt teenager but the thought of leaving my room seemed so unappealing to me. I didn't want to see Jacob's sad eyes and I didn't want to see Damon's harsh glare.

"Ange, please. Everyones coming round in a minute, they'll wonder why you three are remaining upstairs." Stefan pleaded, I got out of bed and headed towards the door placing my hand on the door knob but not quite turning it yet. "Jacob and Damon hate me don't they?" I breathlessly spoke, every time I thought about that night tears prickled my eyes.

"Of course they don't Angelina, look please just come out of your room. Everyone would want to see you, also I have Sangria and I know how much you like Sangria." He bribed, I swung open the door to be met with Stefan sitting in front of my door.

"I'm doing it for the Sangria not for you," I muttered before sauntering off downstairs to find the drinks that Stefan had promised.


"So how was your camping trip?" I casually asked sipping my Sangria with Caroline, Bonnie and Elena sitting in front of me. I always felt so plain sitting with them. A vampire, a witch and a doppelgänger.

"It was so much fun Angie, you should have come." Caroline bragged, I internally rolled my eyes. Caroline never made me feel better she had to make me feel bad about not coming. I wish I could say that Caroline and I were best friends but that would be lying. I didn't not like her but we wasn't the best of friends.

"Oh bummer," I deadpanned with a sarcastic grin, why did I even ask. Caroline rolled her eyes then talking to Elena about some inside joke that happened on the camping trip. "Angelina, Stefan told me that someone was coming after you." Bonnie turned to me clasping my hand but her eyes widened and she froze for a moment.

"Bonnie? Bonnie are you alright?" I anxiously asked, Damon sped down the stairs and into the living area grabbing Bonnie's wrist and taking her out of the room. "Damon! What do you think you're doing?" I knew Bonnie had a vision about me and I was dying to know what it was. I followed after them out of the room, Damon turned around with his demonic face.

"Get out of here Angelina whilst I talk to Bonnie." He growled, I stumbled back into Jacob in, what a surprise. The first time I had seen them both since the incident and we were already fighting. "Don't threaten my sister, Salvatore." Jacob growled his fangs showing and the veins appearing underneath his eyes.

"Tell her to mind her own business and then I won't have to, Knight." He spat before taking Bonnie up the stairs out of the way of Jacob. Jacob turned to me, his veins fading and fangs disappearing. "Are you okay Angelina?" He asked with sincerity in his eyes. I wrapped my arms around Jacob after missing him these past few days. Tears threatened to spill as I clutched him tightly breathing in his scent.

"I'm so sorry about Mitchell, Jacob." I whimpered, Jacob tensed up at the sound of Mitchell's name, he patted my back for comfort. "I'm sorry too, Angie. I didn't blame you and I don't blame you or Damon now, it's just he is one of the few things human left about me. I have you, Mom and Dad of course but he was my best friend and he's gone." I felt his tears trickle onto my back, now it was my turn to comfort him.

PURE ⇉ KOL MIKAELSONWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu