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Build God, Then We'll Talk


"'Bekah, why are we still here?" I ask her as I lay on my bed, phone to ear as she called me to check up on me and how I was doing.

"Nik, he's infatuated with that blonde vampire." She sighed, I could tell she was rolling her eyes. It was true, we had been here a week and Klaus had spent the week trying to pursue Caroline and from what Bonnie had told me, she wasn't having any of it.

"I'm happy to be here but I just want to get this spell over with, you know?" I admitted and Rebekah chimed with agreement. I would miss Rebekah when I had to go back home, it's weird. Damon kept me away when all the Mikaelson business went down in Mystic Falls but I had become friends with them all.

"Listen, Lina. I've got to go but I'll talk to you later." She spoke quickly before hanging up, I chose not to think about it otherwise I would just worry. I felt a tingling sensation in my body, it wasn't painful but something about it didn't feel right and I didn't understand what was going on. Scenes were played in my mind of Kol being attacked by a group of vampires in the home where the Mikaelson's were staying, I could hear Rebekah but everything focused on Kol. I couldn't get the images out of my mind, I had an impulse feeling to go help him and I couldn't stop myself. I just felt out of place and not right in my own skin that I wasn't on my way to help him. I jogged down the steps shouting a quick goodbye to Damon, I felt as if I was going fast enough. I picked up my pace, legging it through the woods. All I could see was Kol being attacked and from the images in my mind and he was losing.

Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours as I legged it through the woods knowing that I was close to the fight as the tingling sensation and the uncomfortableness was getting weaker and weaker as I drew closer to the commotion. I stepped out the woods onto the road where the Mikaelson's were staying, sprinting down the road to their house. Using my power, I swung open the door with the swing of my hand feeling the gust of wind push it open with an almighty force. Kol was pushed to the floor with a vampire on top of him with dagger in hand, Rebekah was slumped against the wall with her head hanging low but she wasn't my priority.

"No!" I shrieked as the vampire raised his arm with the dagger in hand ready to pierce Kol's heart with it. I screamed so loud that the windows smashed into tiny pieces of glass, the vampire dropped the dagger clutching his ears in agony. With the wave of my hand the vampire was thrown against the wall, with the force of the elements. My necklace was burning my neck  from the sheer amount of power I was using to keep the vampire still against the wall.

"Angelina? What are you doing?" Kol sat up from the floor, clambering to grab the dagger before anyone else got their hands on it. We locked eyes, I couldn't decipher what emotion his eyes were holding. A mixture of relief, shock or happiness, you could rarely ever tell with Kol. "If I'm being honest, I don't know." I admitted. He went to wrap his arms around my body but was stop by a rotating piece of wood, skimming my head and piercing straight into his heart. He stumbled back, clutching his bleeding heart with anxious eyes. He fell backwards to the ground with a thump, his body greying with the veins running up his arms to his neck then his face.

The air was knocked out of me when a body collided with mine as I landed next to Kol's temporary dead body. A vampire held my wrists down as he landed on top of me growling, he attempted to sink his fangs in my neck but with the left over strength I had, I sent him flying across the room. I snapped the neck of the vampire I currently had held against the wall so I could use my full potential of destroying the vampire at hand without any distractions.

He scrambled to get back up but I held him down as I stalked over there with a look of murder in my eyes.

"What do you want with the Mikaelson's?" I crouched down to his restricted body as he squirmed trying to get back up from where I had him held.

"They cannot open the chamber." His eyes turned black as did Stefan's when he was possessed, I gasped stumbling back as he resisted my magic slowly sitting up from where I had him restricted. I crawled to where Kol's body was lay, ripping out the wood in his heart as the vampire had fully recovered from the extent of my magic.

"Kol! Wake up!" I slapped his cheek but he was still dead as a doornail. These possessed vampires could resist my magic, even with the power of my necklace. I slid back on my ass trying to escape the vampire's menacing eyes.

"Get away from me." I attempted to throw him back but I only stalled him slightly. I grew weaker with the more magic I used, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold him off for long. Not long enough for Kol to wake up or even Rebekah. The vampire creepily walked slowly towards me as I tried to back away waiting to make a mad dart for it up the stairs. I grabbed the poker from the fireplace and held out towards him to try and look intimidating but he didn't even tremble. I stumbled up from where I was sat near the fireplace still holding the poker with my shaking hands towards him trying to keep our distance.

"Oh Angelina. You can cloak yourself but can you cloak your friends? If we can't kill you, we'll kill them." His voice had turned much deeper than it was before just like Stefan's did when his eyes turned black from the possession of the witches.

"I'll give you one last chance, get away from me, or I'll rip out your heart." I threatened, I didn't think I could actually rip out his heart but I wanted them to believe that I could. Kol had been teaching me how to do magic like this but he said it went against what an angel was, it was condemned in the law of angels of what they should and shouldn't do. The vampire simply chuckled before attempting to lunge at me, I shoved the poker in their stomach with all my strength before scrambling away trying to get to the stairs. The poker skimmed my arm, piercing my sweater and stabbing the wood of the staircase leaving me stuck to the staircase. I attempted to pull the poker out but it was wedged into the wood. I attempted to pull my arms out of the sweater but when I tried to manoeuvre, a strong pair of hands held my arms down still. I squirmed under their grip.

"Get off of me!" I shrieked, struggling under the grip of the hands. I whimpered, it was no use, I was going to die.

"Darling, it's okay. It's me." Kol whispered to me, I sighed in relief as Kol yanked the poker out of the staircase releasing me from it. I turned around, wrapping my arms around his body sighing in relief. I looked over his shoulder to see both of the hearts of the vampires on the ground near there bodies where I sighed with relief once again. I was still shaking with anger but also fear, I was scared for my life. These witches were relentless and would stop at nothing to  get me killed.

"It's okay, I won't let anyone hurt you. Nobody's gonna hurt you, darling." He soothed, tightening his grip rubbing my back soothingly. I smiled, closing my eyes letting the embrace engulf me.

"I'm so scared, Kol." I whimpered feeling the emotions take a toll on me, I snuggled into his chest as he held me even tighter.

"I know you are, and so am I. But you're going to come out of this alive. I'm so sorry that you had to be the one that had to do this." He sighed letting go of the embrace, the loss of contact made me feel sad and I hated it. I think I was beginning to like Kol Mikaelson and I didn't know what I thought about it.

ok so what i mean when angelina uses the elements is like bc she is a saffron angel she doesn't have any magic as a witch would. she only has the magic from the elements so wind, water, earth, fire, ice and stuff like that so yeah

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PURE ⇉ KOL MIKAELSONOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora