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Wide Open Space

Kol (wow a Kol POV, ik what a shock)

"Is she going to be okay?" I trembled as I laid down the angel onto the table where Klaus and Marcel watched over her. She was still breathing but her heart rate was slow, I could hear it but it was fainter than usual.

"I think if she had used anymore power, it would have killed her." Elijah stood in the door way with a worried look in his eyes as we watched the beautiful girl rest on the table, her face stained with blood.

"I don't want her risking her life for us like that." Klaus demanded with a fierce look in his eyes, he pretended not to care that she nearly died but everyone here had grown rather fond of the Saffron Angel.

"That was what she was a born to do, Niklaus. That is in her nature to protect Kol with her life." Rebekah sauntered in with a wet dishcloth to dab her face with.

"I have no idea what you guys are going on about. What is she?" Marcel looked confused but yet he looked fascinated by the girl lay on the table. Angelina had quite the effect on people, she had us all wrapped around her finger.

"She's a Saffron Angel." Rebekah replied simply, Marcel's eyes widened at her words and choked on his own, not quite knowing to say. I couldn't deny that I was jealous of Marcel, he seemed to be quite smitten with Angelina and the fact she went to him for help infuriated me.

"You're using her to open the chamber, aren't you?" Marcel was enraged with Nik. The steam was practically flaring out of his ears and nose as he glared at Niklaus. "I'm not using the girl, Marcellus. As you can see, we all seem to be quite fond of the girl. Some more than others." Klaus directed his attention to me at the last part. I couldn't deny that I wasn't fond of Angelina, she reminded me a lot of Elizabeth. Elizabeth meant the world to me but she broke my heart beyond repair, but being with my Angel, it makes me feel alive again. All the rage and vengeance fades and all my divided attention is on her.

"So you're dealing with amártisan witches." Marcel sighed which we all nodded at. Amártisan witches were not to be messed with, they performed and meddled with such dark magic and they will stop at nothing to protect that tomb. They are sinister, vengeful and diabolic and will not rest until Angelina is dead.

"She's practically a dead woman walking, no Saffron Angel will survive the wrath of the amártisan witches." Marcel reluctantly said not wanting to cause confrontation. I clenched my fists, glaring daggers at Marcel. He's underestimating the power of Angelina.

"No amártisan witch will survive the wrath of the Mikaelson family if they touch a hair on her head. She'll be okay, as long as she has the saffron crested necklace." We all directed our eyes towards the necklace she wore around her neck, I grimaced. It brought back unwanted memories of Elizabeth and I.

1000 Years Ago

"Elizabeth, my love. Can we meet up later in the Saffron Woods?" Kol whispered to her as they passed each other in the village. Their love must be a secret to her family and also Kol's, Niklaus and Rebekah already know about them but they are sworn to secrecy.

"Of course, my darling. I'll see you at our usual place at twilight." She smiled sweetly before carrying on her way to her father. Her father was an important man, Achilles Saffron. He was loved by all in the village except the Mikaelson's. Achilles hated the Mikaelson's with a burning passion and would stop at nothing to run them out of his village.

Kol waited around all afternoon waiting for twilight so he could see his love of his life. He always enjoyed their secret meetings in the clearing of the Saffron Woods. It was always so lovely and pleasant, just like her. Twilight crept upon them slowly, both of them finding their way to the clearing in secret.

"Elizabeth, you look absolutely ravishing." Kol breathlessly said as she appeared from the trees in the most beautiful dress he had ever seen. Elizabeth had never gotten dressed up for their meetings before but tonight she decided to make the effort which Kol truly appreciated.

"Why thank you, my darling." She grinned, sitting down beside Kol on the soft grass in the clearing. Elizabeth always made sure to plant Saffron flowers in the clearing, she enjoyed it's spicy scent.

"I have acquired a gift for you, darling." Kol finally announced why he wanted to see her on this warm summers night in Crete. She smiled at the idea of Kol getting her gift, it was something he did rarely. He pulled out the most beautiful necklace that she had ever seen, it was in the shape of a Saffron and was crested with amethysts.

"Kol, it's absolutely beautiful. I cannot accept this!" She gushed over the necklace, a glint of something in her eyes that Kol had never seen before and couldn't quite decipher. "Would you like me to put it on?" Kol sheepishly asked, she nodded profusely before kneeling and shuffling turn to away from Kol. He tied the necklace around her neck, the metal being cold on her bare chest. She turned to face him with a huge smile on her face, which brought warmth to Kol's heart.

"I love it Kol, I love you." She admitted. Kol widened at her words, she had never said those three words before and he had never said them to her too. He smiled at her, it reaching to his eyes.

"And I love you too, Elizabeth Saffron." He grinned before leaning forward closing the gap between them and placing his lips on her soft ones. Electricity ran through his veins as she wrapped her arms around his neck trying to bring herself closer to him. In that moment there, he knew how deeply in love he was with this girl.

"Kol? Do you have a plan?" Rebekah interrupted my thoughts, I always had flashbacks of my past with Elizabeth yet I didn't wish to have them. My eyes drifted to the girl on the table, it wasn't the same feeling I had with Elizabeth that I have with Angelina. It's different and I don't know what it means, I just didn't know what it meant yet.

"I don't, we just need to get to Crete and open the damn chamber so she doesn't have to be caught up in this anymore." I snapped before hearing her heart beat quicken. My gaze turned her as she stirred in her sleep, her eyes slowly fluttering open.

"Kol?" Her hoarse voice called out, I rushed over to her side as she slowly sat up on the table with a worried look in her eyes. "I'm here, are you okay? Never do that again." I smiled as she had a slight smile on her face.

"I killed all those people, Kol." Tears brimmed in her eyes as the realisation hit her. My heart clenched at her state and the guilt that was overcoming her. I scooped her up off the table, holding her bridal style and left the room with everyone's eyes on us. I jogged up the grand steps to my bedroom, laying her down carefully on my bed where she sobbed slightly.

"Angel, it's okay. Just never nearly kill yourself to save me again, promise me." Kol begged, her eyes softened slightly as if she was having a flashback before her attention snapped back towards me.

"I promise." I knew she was lying, I could always tell when she was lying. Whether it was just a small white lie or a huge one. She placed her head in my shoulder with her hands laying my lap, she sighed softly tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"I hate this, Kol. I just don't understand why it had to be me. I miss my parents, I miss Jacob. I miss Damon." Anger fuelled inside of me when she mentioned that she missed Damon, I was jealous and I hated it. I would always come second to her when it comes to Damon.

"I know, it's okay." I soothed, stroking her hair as she talked about the things that troubled her. "I just have always felt guilty about Mason and Mitch, even Jacob. I felt so helpless watching them die and it just sucks at the amount of people who have died because of me and now I've even killed people and that's just not me." She rambled, I listened intently, chiming in when I needed to. It's times like these when I really enjoyed her company, I knew I felt something more than just appreciating her but I couldn't admit it. Love only ever gets your heartbroken.



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