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Two Weeks


"Jacob, I have to open the chamber." I stopped him from running anymore, I had to open it. A promise was a promise and I promised Klaus that I would open it. Even if it meant that I could die.

"Angelina, I'm not letting you get yourself killed over this chamber." He warned me, clasping my wrist as if he was ready to begin running again but I wasn't ready to run again. I wanted to find Kol but I wanted to stay with Jacob and savour the moments I had with him.

"Angelina. I love you but I gotta get you back home to Mystic Falls, where you belong." He sighed, pushing his hair back on his head with a sigh.

"I belong with Kol, Jacob." I exasperated at which Jacob dropped my wrist completely and stared at me with panicked eyes. "You and Kol? You're together?" He gasped looking completely devastated.

"I-I think I love him, Jake." I stammered, I hadn't even admitted those feelings to myself but I had just admitted them to my brother. It's just I had no one to talk about these things anymore, of course I had Rebekah but I've barely seen her since I've been training and learning the spell. "You love him? Angelina no you don't! You're attached to him because of your angelic abilities, Elizabeth told me." He shouted towards me.

"I already know that, Jacob. I know how I feel about him and-"

"And what? You're in love? You don't know the meaning of love, you're just a child." He was getting infuriated with me but I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. "I'm not a child anymore, Jacob. I've seen things that you couldn't imagine, I've been through things that you couldn't have lived through, just because you're a vampire doesn't mean you've seen everything. I'm a new person, Jacob, and you don't know me anymore." I finished my speech with a slight laugh to myself of how stupid our argument was.

"Angie, I'm sorry. It's just I want you back home, safe and well." He admitted taking me into his arms again for the hundredth time. I had missed him more than anything and him being back here was amazing but I needed Kol. I needed to open the chamber

"Is Elizabeth here? Because if she even tries to stop m-"

"She's not here, she doesn't even know I'm here." Jacob cut me off with a slight smile as he took my hand in his walking in a different direction to where was going before. "Where are we going now, Jacob?" I moaned, I needed to open the chamber and I had no idea when Kol's remedy was going to wear off.

"I'm taking you to the chamber." He replied simply as if it was obvious. I furrowed my eyebrows, he was going to help me open it? I thought he hated the idea of me opening the chamber and now he wanted to help me?


"Angelina, can we not talk about how I'm leading you to your possible death just stay quiet and let me feel guilty about it later." Jacob cut me off before carrying on stalking through the woods. I was worried, I wasn't ready to die. I finally admitted my feelings for Kol and I was finally at home. I had found my home of where I fitted in like a puzzle piece and I knew that Sod's Law would do it's work and something awful would happen.

"We're near the chamber, I can hear it. I can feel it." I let go of Jacob's hand clutching my head. I could whispers of the other angels trapped in there. They were screaming for help, they were begging.

"What are you talking about? I can't hear anything." Jacob looked at me confused but his eyes widened as he stared past my head at something behind me.

"Can you do your weird juju thing to those angry witches coming towards us?" He joked but his eyes told a different story. He was petrified. I whipped my head around to see the same witches from before. I rolled my eyes at their persistence, mentally preparing myself for the worst. I had no idea where the Mikaelson's were and if they were going to magically appear and help us like they usually do but I couldn't dwell on my saviours, I had to fight for myself this time.

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