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"Psst, Angel." A whisper awoke me from my deep sleep, I winced at the intense pain I felt when awakening in the middle of the night. Crete's Curse was getting worse by the millisecond and I could not wait for it to be over. My eyes adjusted to the pitch black to see a figure standing over my bed.

"Kol? What do you want?" I mumbled, my voice still groggy from being woken up. I rolled over to check my phone to see that it was four o'clock in the morning.

"I-I wanted to see you before tomorrow, to give me a chance to say sorry." He admitted, I shuffled on the bed trying to make enough room for him on the singular bed. He grunted as he tried to climb into bed as quietly as he could, but the bed creaked so loud that it echoed around the room, bouncing off the walls.

"Is that an apology?" I asked with an eyebrow raised, I pulled the covers up to my chin in attempt to keep warm. That was another thing, my temperature kept dropping and rising. One minute I was absolutely freezing and the next my body was pumping sweat from each orifice of my body.

"Of course it is, I had no right to act like that and I l-" He dismissed whatever he was going to say next with the wave of his hand. His arm snaked around my waist, he pulled me into closer to his body. I smiled at the close proximity, snuggling into his bare chest.

"I'm sorry too." I smiled, bopping his nose as I did so. He rolled his eyes at my childishness before planting his lips on mine. My hand cupped his face as he deepened the kiss. He pulled away smiling at me, ready to say something else but I cut him off.

"Kol? Are you scared for tomorrow?" I asked. I don't know why I asked, maybe I hoped he'd say something that would reassure me. Something that wouldn't play on my mind like the idea of dying was at every second of these past two days, I'd blame it on the Crete Curse but I know it's my own mind.

"Tomorrow? I'm bloody terrified but I will never ever let anyone touch you. No one will lay a finger on you." He firmly replied with a hard stare, but not the hard stares that make you squirm but it was the hard stare that made you feel protected and safe. Kol Mikaelson was my own salvation, he was my own security. Ironic how the person I was supposed to be protecting made me feel more safe than anyone else could.

"Ok but I'm the one who's supposed to be protecting you, babe." I giggled, he eyed me in a way I had never seen him look at me before.

"Babe?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face, his smirks made my knees go week and my stomach do summersaults. Everything Kol did made me feel woozy and I loved it.

"I'm s-sorry, I won't call you that again." I stammered, slightly embarrassed from the nickname that had slipped from my tongue. It sounded so foreign when I said it but it felt so right to call it him.

"No, no. I like it, babe." He put emphasise on the word babe either to tease me or he was being genuinely serious. I laughed awkwardly, trying to brush the conversation off. I was already embarrassed but his face was telling me that he was being truly serious.

"Stop, please." I giggled placing my lips on his, the kiss was short and sweet something I would never get used to. I have never had a proper boyfriend, I had Mason but did I love him? Did I love Kol? Kol consumed my thoughts daily and the sight of him sends butterflies to my belly, something I think will never go away. Kol's smile replayed over and over again until it was imprinted into my brain, his laughter was music to my ears and lying next to him at night was a heavenly experience.

"What was that for?" He asked with a raised brow, something else what Kol did that I loved. When he raised his eyebrow in confused, it ought to make me make him confused even more. "Because I wanted to." I cheekily replied, pulling a face at him before cuddling back into his chest.

"I'm so glad I met you, Angel." He whispered so quietly that even I could barely hear him, I smiled but didn't respond. I didn't need to, he knew how I felt about him and I being in this comfortable silence was all I needed to melt the anxiety away.


"Good morning." I smiled, stretching my arms out to realise Kol was no longer beside me. My heart sunk in my chest but Kol wouldn't leave without telling me. I furrowed my eyebrows, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and getting up. I stomped down the stairs, the sound of my bare feet smacking on the wood as I reached to see nobody around.

"Kol? Bekah? Klaus?" I called out but no one answered, it was eerily silent. Too silent for the Mikaelson's.

"Elijah?" I tried but again no reply, just utter silence. I crept towards the kitchen, clutching my necklace for protection. Something I hadn't done recently but it still comforted me all the same. A note was placed on the counter with my name reading on the back. I picked it up, a sense of deja vu washing over me, like the time Klaus had sent a bloody heart to my house with the note.


We have gone to check out the chamber to make sure it's safe from the witches. We will not be long and I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up.

I will make it up to you,

Kol x

"Yeah, whatever." I scoffed, rolling my eyes and shoving the note into my pocket. I pursed my lips on debating whether to leave the house or not, yes I was unbelievably stupid for thinking I should leave the house but I was just so bored. I was meant to be going to the chamber today, shouldn't they have done this yesterday?

"To be free or to not be free?" I mumbled to myself, biting my lip deep in thought. I had no idea how long they had been gone so if they left earlier this morning and I went out they'd know about but I could end up waiting around for ages if they had only just left. I furrowed my eye brows, contemplating the pros and cons.

"I suppose a walk around won't kill me." I sighed, running upstairs to quickly throw on some clean clothes and freshen up. I smiled, picking my messenger bag up from the counter and jogging to the front door. I swing back the door, sucking in a sharp breath stepping a foot outside the boundary spell.

"I don't think so." A hand pushed me back through the doors, I look up and narrow my eyes at Kol.

"Sour puss." I stuck out my tongue, folding my arms as I stared up at him with a raised brow. His eyes darkened as he stared down at me with a straight face.

"I'm being serious, Angelina. You can't step foot out of this house without at least two of us. The witches are here, they know you're alive." He announced with a grimace.

"T-They're here?" Ever since the attack at the place where Irena took me, I've been a little shaken up. Very shaken up. Being beaten to a pulp like that has taken a toll on me and I haven't handled it very well.

"I know you're scared but that's okay, it's okay." He soothed. Everyone kept saying it was okay to be scared but I didn't want to be scared. I wanted to be strong enough to take down a whole army, I wanted to be fearless like the Mikaelson's.

I wanted to be a Mikaelson, in one way or another.

fuck this is so short wtf why is it so short but anyone to clear up any confusion about the last line

 she does not want to be a vampire, i repeat she does not want to be a vampire 

she does not want to be an original, i guess she means like the spirit, the bravery and title of a Mikaelson but yeah she deffo does not wanna be a mikaelson vampire oh god no

anyway pls keep voting and shizzle bc you guys are great and i love reading the comments bc they're actually really funny so yeah


PURE ⇉ KOL MIKAELSONOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora