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Dance Wiv Me


"Expergiscimini , puella crocus!" Damon's voice awoken me from my deep slumber. I gasped for air and sat up in my coffin, letting the Saffron flowers fall from my hand. Everyone was surrounding me with widened eyes and some glaring at Damon. Rage boiled inside of me because of Damon, he kept me in that hell for 10 days. 10 days of my life were spent in hell whilst everyone thought I was in New York with my beloved parents but yet I was kept in a coffin in the basement alone.

"Damon Salvatore, I will kill you. Bonnie Bennett, you let him take me?" I diverted my gaze to both of them, narrowing my eyes at them. The rage I felt inside of me, I was more disappointed with Bonnie but enraged at Damon.

"Listen, Angie. I only did it because you went and brought a Mikaelson to town and-" I cut him off with the wave of my hand, stepping out of the casket and dusting myself down. All eyes were on me now waiting for me to say something, but instead pulled Tyler's phone out of his pocket to check the date. August 17th.

"You were going to leave me in there until after my birthday wasn't you?" I narrowed my eyes, turning around to face Damon. He nodded with a slight smile on his face as if this was funny. I charged at him attempting push him but he didn't budge, I slapped and smacked his chest trying to hurt him but all my measly attempts failed.

"Are you quite done there Angie?" He looked down at me, crossing his arms. "You're such a dick Damon, I hate you!" I shouted before sliding through every ones bodies and stomping up the stairs to go find my phone. It was on my bed where I left it charging before I fell into a deep sleep. I wasn't going to let Damon ruin my birthday, I texted over 300 people the plan for my party. I was going to throw the biggest birthday party of my life tomorrow.


"Happy Birthday Angie!" Stefan's voice called into my room with presents in his arms, Jacob, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Damon, Tyler, Matt, Jeremy and Alaric following close behind with presents in their arms. I smiled, grabbing a hair tie off my bedside table tying my hair up as the presents were piled onto my bed. I glared at Damon as he walked in, not finding it in me to forgive him.

"Thank you." I smiled picking it up the first present off Elena. It was a beautiful white gown and some jewellery to go with it. I smiled up at her saying thank you over and over again. Jacob got me all my favourite books, CDs and posters signed by my favourite artists, authors ect. Caroline got me some chocolates; Tyler, Matt, Jeremy and Alaric all put together and got me a brand new iPhone. Bonnie got me a bottle of Sangria and a beautiful charm bracelet. Stefan got me another bottle of Sangria and all my favourite vinyls. Damon pulled out a box and handed it over to me, I gave him a slight smile lifting open the box to see the most beautiful necklace ever. It was a Saffron flower with amethysts crested for the petals.

"Oh my god, Damon. It's beautiful." I gushed, inspecting the necklace. I had just found it in me to forgive him, over this most beautiful necklace. "Do you want me to put it on?" I nodded profusely turning around on my bed as he wrapped the necklace around my neck, clipping it at the back. I placed my hand over the flower feeling warmth in my heart. Bonnie eyed up my necklace with narrowed eyes and then gestured for Damon to leave the room and follow her.

"Ok! So who's ready for this party tonight?" Alaric announced with a huge grin, rubbing his hands together as he did so. The whole room cheered and this huge grin was not leaving my face all day.


People flooded the house as I clutched my necklace for comfort, it made me feel safe in a strange way. It had just turned 8 o'clock and the party was in full swing, bodies dancing together and that sweaty party atmosphere filled the house. I was wearing my new white dress and was smiling at everyone I saw. I felt so angelic tonight, so elegant.

"Angie! Are you having fun?" Tyler shouted over the loud music, I nodded sipping on my Sangria with a huge grin on my face. "Yes! Are you?" I bopped my head to the beat, swinging my hips ever so slightly to the music.

"I am, you look beautiful by the way. Like an angel." He smirked, dancing along with me to the techno song. I acknowledged his compliment with a slight thank you as a brush crept upon my cheeks. I took another sip of my drink, meeting his eyes as I did so. Of course I found Tyler attractive but I did not have any deep rooted feelings for him. His lips hovered over mine as we had gotten closer as we danced along to the catchy beat. I could feel his hot breath fanning over mine and a burning glare in the back of my head. I didn't really care to turn around to see who glaring daggers at me, I just swayed to the beat. Finally, he placed his lips upon mine and we shared a sweet tender kiss it wasn't filled with lust or hunger just short and sweet. He pulled away and searched my eyes for some sort of answer but I just carried on dancing not thinking anything of it.

I took the last sip of my drink and walked into the kitchen to find my Sangria bottle for something more to drink. I opened the fridge where my two bottles were waiting. Still dancing I poured the Sangria into my glass. Suddenly, burning shot through my body and sweat began dripping down my skin. I looked around panicked, dropping the Sangria bottle, the sticky red liquid spilling all over my white dress. I fell to the floor with a thump, the burning sensation still to be felt all over my body.

"Help." My hoarse voice whispered as my burning body was not being cooled down by the cold tiled floor. Damon ran into the kitchen scooping up my body into his arms and taking me outside into the garden laying me down onto the grass trying to cool me down.

"Damon? What's happening to me?" I whimpered, as my vision was blurred by the pain I felt all over my body. I screamed in pain as shoots of a burning sensation shot through my body. Arching my back pain, waving my arms around in complete agony. Stefan and Tyler raced outside to see my body rolling around the floor in immense pain.

"Damon, you can't prevent this." Bonnie's voice was heard as Damon stared down at my body in so much pain. A burning sensation was felt in my wrist, I tried to look at it but it felt too heavy to pick up. "Make it stop! Make it stop! Damon, please. Make it stop!" I wailed as sweat dripped from my forehead, curling up into a ball as I felt as if my body was on fire.

"What's going on?" Jacob asked, trying to hold me still as I was erratic, throwing my arms and legs everywhere. Damon checked his watch. "8:18pm." He looked at Bonnie and she nodded. Everything was so blurry but I could make the voices out perfectly. The pain died away but my wrist still burned like heck. My hyperventilating calmed down as the burning went away ever so slowly but surely. Damon sat me up and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

I lifted up my wrist to see a Saffron flower imprinted on my skin, I tried to wipe it off but it was imprinted into my skin like a tattoo. "There's something you need to know." Damon finally broke the silence.

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