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"You seem calmer." Klaus observes from the settee across from me, he sits with a glass of bourbon and a calm expression. 

"Kol has given me a substance to keep my magic under control however it makes me very tired and tranquil." I say, sipping on my white phlox and lavender.

"I hope we have no hard feelings, Angelina. Hopefully you will survive opening the tomb and you can carry on with your life and the witches will no longer be a threat to you. You are merely just the key to open something that is mine and by opening the chamber I am doing you a favour, the witches will no longer need to murder you after what has been done." He expresses, sipping on his bourbon despite it being such an early hour.

"I can go home, after I open it?" I asked with hopefulness, no one had told me I could leave. I thought that this was my life from now on.

"If that is what you wish, then yes you can return home to your family and friends." He said family and friends with such distaste, as if they were something what tasted bad in his mouth.

"Are you the one who killed Mitchell?" I had been thinking a lot about Mitchell, Klaus said he had been watching over me and I had put two and two together and assumed that Klaus was the one who brutally ripped Mitchell's life away from him.

"Mitchell? I do not know of a Mitchell, dear." He says, thinking back to all the times he had saved Angelina from someone when Damon could not.

"At the watering hole party, in the woods. He got a little carried away in his drunken state and someone saved me but brutally murdered him." I announced, picking my nails avoiding Klaus' intense stare.

"That was not me, love. But I am intrigued to find out who else is protecting you, angel." He leant back in the chair with furrowed eyebrows. If it wasn't Klaus then who could it be?

"Well whoever it was, it doesn't matter now because I am here and it is not as if they can get to me ever again." I say finishing the last gulp of my serum, scrunching my nose as I did so. It tasted foul despite it being made from such beautiful products. 

"Klaus." I say after a moments silence, I had an idea to propose to him but had no idea how the result would turn out.

"Angelina." He replied with a smirk on his face. Klaus and I were not enemies but not friends either, it was funny relationship but it wasn't a bad one.

"I was wondering. Well. If it was possible to invite my friends round to visit or if  we could throw a ball where they could come so I could see them again. It's awfully lonely in this house without my brother and I just miss them all so much." I blabbered with a hopeful glint in my eyes, maintaining eye contact the whole time trying to read Klaus' expression.

"A ball? With the vermin you call friends? Perhaps this could happen but how do I trust you enough to know that this isn't some rescue mission?" He asked with a raised brow, teasing me.

"I give you my word, Klaus. I will not leave with them or let them attempt to rescue me from here. You have my word that I will help you with the chamber." I promise with desperation radiating off of me.

"Then I suppose, I better get Rebekah organising a ball." He says with a grin which I return with an even bigger grin. 


"Lina, I have either a Victorian ballgown or a modern one. I think there will be a mixture of both tonight since we are in New Orleans so whichever you pick you would not be odd out." She holds up two ball gowns. The Victorian ballgown was a navy blue ruffled dress and was ravishing however the modern ball gown was the crispest white, it looked angelic and fitted who I was perfectly.

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