Chapter 3

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It had been 4 months since Barba and I had begun our little relationship, and I was shocked that nobody on the SVU team had any suspicions yet. I mean, they're detectives, they should be noticing something at least. I couldn't wait to bust their chops when Barba and I decided to go public. Or when they found out.

I sat at my desk in the SVU, and I heard Benson say, "Hey guys, we have a case. A girl named Cassidy Brown was raped at gunpoint in Five Points, she's being taken to New York Pres." Captain Cragen came out of his office and said, "Fin and Jess, you guys go to the hospital and interview Cassidy. Benson, Amaro, and Rollins, you guys to to the scene and canvas, see if you can find anything." With that, we were on our way.

Fin drove us to the hospital, and we got there in pretty good time. We got out, and Fin smirked at me as he tossed me the keys, saying, "You can drive back." I groaned, realizing that it would be lunch rush hour in the city by the time we got back to the precinct. I clipped the car keys onto my belt, and I followed Fin into the Emergency Room department of New York Presbyterian Hospital.

As we walked into the Emergency Room and approached the front desk, I heard my phone ring, signaling I'd gotten a text. Fin looked back at me as the receptionist looked through the hospital records to see what room Cassidy was in, and I waved him off. He looked at me with a confused expression, but I knew that he was going to badger me about this for the whole ride back, unless it was Benson, Rollins or Amaro. Of course it wasn't.

It was Barba. The text read:

Hey. Hope you're having a good day. I haven't had any cases come across my desk today, so I think that's good.

I smirked the slightest bit, and I knew that Fin saw me. If I kept acting like this, it wouldn't be so hard to hide my relationship with Rafael. I reeled myself back in and managed to text him back.

Yeah, don't relax just yet. I'm at NY Presbyterian with Fin, we got a rape vic here. Rollins, Amaro and Benson are checking out the crime scene in Five Points.

I sent the text, locked my phone, and stuffed it in my pocket. My choice of wardrobe today was a green dress shirt with black dress pants, and the cuffs of my dress shirt were rolled up to my elbows. My gun was holstered at my waist, and my NYPD badge was in plain view. The receptionist came back and told us where we could find Cassidy, and we walked over to the wing that she was in. We knocked on the glass door of her room and entered, and she groggily looked over at us.

The perp had not only raped her, but assaulted her, too. She has a black eye, bruising and scraping all over her face, and she had blood on her face, too. The doctors had stitched a particularly nasty cut back together on her hand, which also had bruised knuckles and cuts all over her palms. I sat closest to Cassidy, because female detectives seem to resonate more with female victims right after the attack. Fin took a seat next to me, and Cassidy asked, "What happened?"

I looked down briefly, looked back up at her, and replied, "Cassidy, you were found by a passerby in Five Points unconscious. You were raped and beaten..." I watched as the horror and realization showed on her face. As she began to breathe heavily, I calmed her down and asked, "Do you want to press charges?" She nodded aggressively, and I calmed her down again. I said, "Okay Cassidy, I'm gonna need you to tell us everything that you remember about what happened." As Cassidy began telling Fin and I her story, the doctor knocked on the glass door. I excused myself and met him out in the hall.

"We have Cassidy's rape kit results." He said solemnly, which already confirmed to me that she was raped. "Thank you doctor." I said quickly, wanting to go back and hear Cassidy's story, but the doctor stopped me. He continued, and said in a very low voice, "The rape kit also confirmed that Cassidy was a virgin before this assault." I sighed, upset that the first memory of a sexual encounter for Cassidy would be this rape. I thanked the doctor again and returned to the room.

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