Chapter 4

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My birthday weekend with Rafael was absolutely amazing, and I couldn't have dreaded going into work any more than I was at this moment. I just wanted to stay home, eat, watch movies, and study for my finals with Rafael.

I walked into the precinct to see Fin sitting at his desk, and he greeted me. After a few minutes of silence, he said, "I'm determined to find out who your boyfriend is." I laughed and replied, "Okay, let me know when you do." I calmly got up to go to the bathroom, and I splashed some water in my face. Was it really that big of a deal if my relationship with Barba was discovered? I grabbed my phone and shot him a text, telling him that Fin was starting to get antsy about meeting my boyfriend.

I left the bathroom and sat down, and Fin was over near Cragen's office, talking to Rollins. I saw Amaro and Liv at their desks, and I returned to mine. I grabbed my laptop and began studying some of the different things that I had to know for my finals, and I continued to study until word came in that the date for arraignment was set for Cassidy's case. That arraignment date was tomorrow.

I made my way to the New York County District Attorney's Office with Liv, and we took an elevator up to Barba's office. We knocked and entered; Barba's secretary knowing that we were already on our way. Barba was sitting at his desk with his feet propped up, and he skipped the formalities and went right into the case.

"Give me reasons why we should request remand and not have bail." He simply said. I started by asking, "Does he have the means to transportation to be considered a flight risk?" Liv piped in and said, "Yeah, he has a government-issued Passport and he conviniently had a vacation booked for Aruba next week." Barba snarkily commented, "So much for that vacation. Lets go over the trial again."

I began, "Victim Cassidy Brown claims that she was raped by the defendent Alex Jenkins. Forensic evidence from the scene and from the rape kit supports that, as well as two witnesses who saw Jenkins take Brown into a hotel." Barba nodded and turned to Liv, asking, "Did you bring the files?" Liv grabbed the files that we had brought Barba, and he began to look through them. I watched Rafael as he examined the case files, and he looked rather annoyed today. I had no clue what set him off, but I wasn't about to put myself in his wake of destruction. When he gets set off, you don't want to be in his way.

"So if they manage to pull off a bail sentencing until the trial, what should the ballpark be for the price?" I asked, wondering what Liv and Barba would say. Liv opened her mouth to say something, but Barba inserted a snide comment, saying, "Jess, we aren't even worried about the set price for the bail. Pay attention to the charges and putting together the trial."

I was shocked by Barba's disparaging comment toward me, but I quickly regained focus. Liv said, "We have everything that we need to prosecute him. We have witnesses, security tapes, forensic evidence, and a testimony being prepared from the victim. What's the defense going to counter with?" Out of nowhere, Barba said, "Jess, you're in law school; what do you think the defense will be?" Rafael had completely blindsided me, and Liv looked at me in confusion. At this point, the entire squad knew that I was in law school, but Barba never used that as a means to attack me like he somewhat was now. I hesitated, and Barba grew impatient. "Come on, Jess... What will the defense argue?" I gathered myself and said, "They'll probably argue that there was nobody to confirm what occured in the room besides the victim, but that's where the forensic evidence comes in." I saw Barba's face, and it seemed as though that answer was good enough for the time being.

He began informing us on how he wanted to run the trial and the arraignment, and he ended our little meeting by saying, "I'm going to be pushing the charges of rape in the first degree, along with assault in the second degree. If I can't get assault in the second degree, I'll definitely be getting a charge for assault in the third degree."

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