Chapter 28

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[A/N: Just a little heads up that I go back to college in around a week and a half, and this semester is going to be crazy hectic. I'm going to try and update quite a bit before I leave home, but I have a lot planned. On another note, I'm choosing a song for this chapter. The song that I'm choosing is "Castle On The Hill" by Ed Sheeran; it was just released today and I'm absolutely in love with it. I hope you like this chapter!]

Jess' POV

I woke up and heard the coffee machine running in the kitchen. I looked to my left and saw that I was alone in the bed. I stretched and yawned softly, and I proceeded to slowly lift the covers off of the bed. I was wearing yoga pants and a tank top, and I grabbed the Stanford Law sweatshirt that my brother had gotten me for Christmas a few years ago. I slipped on a pair of ankle socks and the sweatshirt, and I made my way out in to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Jess." Rafael said, turning to me and handing me a cup of freshly brewed coffee. As soon as I opened my mouth, he sat down and said, "Yep, two sugars and a creamer. Light brew. Just how you like it. I have waffles in the waffle maker now, too." My heart swelled with happiness at this small gesture of Rafael's. I put my coffee down on the table and went over to Rafael, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed his cheek. As I pulled back, I said, "Thank you, Rafi. These little things mean more than you'll ever know." He smiled back at me, and I took a sip of my coffee as he got the waffles ready.

We got to eat breakfast together, which very rarely happened. I looked at the clock and saw the time; it was 7:45am. I was planning on getting to the precinct at around 8:30am so that I could talk to Liv about what was going on. As I got up to get ready for work, I sighed deeply. Rafael caught my attention as he simply said, "Hey." I turned around to face him, and he continued, "It'll all be okay. I promise." I smiled at him in appreciation, turned around, and got ready for work.

I got to the precinct at around 8:20am, and I saw that Liv was in her office. I took a deep breath and approached the door, and I knocked three times. "Come in." Liv said, sounding exhausted. I opened the door, entered, and shut it behind me. 

"Lieutenant, I owe you an apology." I stated, and this caught Liv's attention. She looked up at me and said, "Sit down, Detective... Tell me, for what?" I sat down and proceeded, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about my job interview with the Nassau County D.A.'s Office sooner. I should have told you when I applied for the job, and I'm sorry." Liv put her pen down, shut the file that she was working on, sighed, and answered, "Jess... I'm not angry with you... I'm just frustrated. If you take that job, I have to look for a new detective, and nobody can replace you. I wasn't expecting this, and it caught me at a bad time. I just wish that I had heard it from you, and not from them."

I sighed and said, "I know, and I'm sorry. That was entirely my mistake. I hope that this doesn't affect our friendship..." Liv scoffed and replied, "Are you kidding me? Even though I was frustrated with the situation, how it came about, and how it was handled, I wasn't frustrated with you. You'll always be a good friend of mine, and it would take a lot more than something like this to change that." I smiled momentarily, and Liv asked, "When's the interview?" I replied, "In two days."

Liv finally asked the question that was the elephant in the room.

"What will you do if you get the job with the Nassau County D.A.'s Office?" I took a deep breath and said, "Well, I'm going to talk to the staff at their office and see if I'll be able to juggle both jobs. I'm planning on working most of the casework either from the Nassau County D.A.'s Office, or from home. I don't think I'd be prosecuting cases right away; I think I'd be helping some of the A.D.A.'s put together strong evidence for cases and assisting victims through the legal process... Basically, I'm planning to work mornings and afternoons here, and work night shifts part-time at Nassau County until I figure out what exactly I'm going to be doing."

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